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10 Aspects of Princess Diana that gave the royals green gray hair

From the first day that Lady Di was part of royalty, she did not hesitate to do things as she pleased. She changed traditions and rules that had been in the family for decades. She decided to dress as she saw fit, changed her marriage vows, and even raised her children as she believed was right. Without a doubt, she was a real rebel.

10 Aspects of Princess Diana that gave the royals green gray hair

1. She loved going to fast food and watching television on Saturday afternoons.

Diana's bodyguard commented that the princess and her two children used to spend Saturday afternoons at home, and those weekends were very similar to those of any British family of the time.

The first time Diana decided to take the kids to McDonald's, she went to the chef and asked him to cancel the meal. The palace chef told her: “But princess, I can make hamburgers without a problem, don't cancel dinner.” Diana replied: “It's not because of the food, it's because of the toys.”

2. The Princess always looked for a way to play pranks on her children

Prince William tells how one day, when he was approximately 13 years old, his mother invited several supermodels to his house and they surprised him by posing in the hallway. He became very nervous and almost fell down the stairs. She was a very funny mother and she always made an effort to help her children experience the world through humor.

3. She was very active in society, especially with those most in need

She went to shelters, hospitals, and the most needy places. She didn't think twice about giving a hug and talking without any type of intermediary with people on the street or sick people. She tried to break the stigma around people with AIDS, especially children. It was thought that the disease was so contagious that she could not be near them, touch them, much less hug them.

4. She changed her wedding vows

She removed the word “obey you” from her wedding vows. The same vows that were prescribed since 1662. “To love, cherish, and to obey, until death does us part”, whose translation is: “To love you, respect you, and obey you, until death does us part.” Thanks to Diana, many other royal brides have been able to let go of this word.

5. Princess Diana loved fashion, and not royal fashion specifically.

She didn't hesitate to break protocols if she liked a particular outfit or if she simply wanted to be more comfortable. One of her most iconic moments was when she wore a dark blue velvet dress and danced with John Travolta in 1985.

Another quiet dress, but at the same time made her shine, was the revenge dress. It was black (a color only allowed at funerals, according to royalty), tight-fitting, and asymmetrical, and she wore it on the day the current King Charles admitted that she had been unfaithful to him.

6. She chose to have her children in the hospital and not at home

Another royal protocol that the Princess broke was that she gave birth to her first child in the hospital and not at home. This doesn't seem like a big deal right now, but with William being the first heir to the throne born in the hospital, she broke several generations of tradition.

7. Diana spoke openly about her feelings

She not only showed her feelings but also talked about her mental health. Royalty is always supposed to show stability and perfection, but Diana didn't care. In an interview, she talked about postpartum depression, infidelity, and how this affected her self-esteem, so much so that she suffered from bulimia. She also noted that she was perhaps the first person in the family to cry openly.

8. Nothing stopped her, if she wanted to leave the palace and couldn't, she would find a way out on her own.

Diana wore wigs and costumes to enter and leave the royal grounds. She even hid in cars so she could leave without anyone noticing. This greatly influenced her children, who, when they were older, used their motorcycles to escape on occasion.

9. She was the first member of the family to bend down when talking to people

When it came to her treatment of others, Diana behaved completely differently from the rest of the royals. She didn't mind breaking the strict rules of the crown.

The royal family always said that people had to treat them special. On the other hand, Princess Diana thought that if someone was nervous or sick or a child, she had to get down to their level, that is, she would crouch down, look them in the eye, or give them a hug if necessary.

10. She experimented with her makeup

In her youth, her makeup choice was more daring, she used blue eyeliner to highlight her eyes, and she also liked to wear a lot of mascara. However, she later made the decision to tone down her makeup a little, because she believed that it was not appropriate to change her appearance all the time.

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