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Meghan Markle Allegedly Bought Pre-made Small Batch Jam Co At Farmers Market

Meghan Markle has ushered in her "Jam Era" with the grand reveal of the inaugural product from her freshly minted Lifestyle brand. 

Meghan Markle Allegedly Bought Pre-made Small Batch Jam Co At Farmers Market

Despite the eager anticipation from her fans, the inability to make a purchase on her website hints at a shaky start. While many experts speculate that this venture marks Meghan's ambitious bid to establish her own empire, the initial reception has left much to be desired, raising doubts about its potential for success. It seems Meghan is as determined to generate income as she is to hold onto her title as The Duchess of Sussex.

Speculation about Meghan's foray into the Lifestyle brand realm has been swirling for some time. Initially, whispers hinted at her aspirations to rival the empire of Gwyneth Paltrow. More recently, she's drawn comparisons to a modern-day Martha Stewart, particularly with her upcoming Netflix project on the horizon. However, with the unveiling of her first product, "Jam made by Meghan Markle," she's already stumbled out of the gate.

In recent days, Meghan's jars of jam have been making appearances on influencer feeds after she gifted 50 limited edition jars to promote a new business, American Riviera Orchard. However, some fervent fans have raised eyebrows, claiming that Meghan didn't actually craft the jam herself. Allegations surfaced suggesting she simply purchased jars from a small batch jam company at the farmer's market, removed the labels, and slapped on her own. This suspicion was fueled by the fact that the labels aren't adhering properly. One skeptic even suggested she might have bought a bulk quantity of commercially available jam, repackaged it, and used a water bath to seal the jars, causing the crystallization of sugar visible in the spread.

Furthermore, many of Meghan's ardent supporters have declared their refusal to purchase her strawberry jam once it hits the market. In a survey conducted by Express, the vast majority of respondents—13,690 out of 13,918—expressed disinterest in buying Meghan's jam. Only a minuscule percentage indicated they would consider purchasing, while others remained undecided. The overwhelmingly negative response has sparked a flurry of criticism on social media, with some labeling Meghan as a "grifter" and questioning her motives behind the venture.

In the wake of the debut, social media platforms were ablaze with reactions, ranging from accusations of opportunism to scathing critiques of Meghan's character. Despite the backlash, Meghan Markle's foray into the world of strawberry jam stands as a cautionary tale, illustrating the pitfalls of unchecked ambition and the perils of straying from authenticity in pursuit of success.

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