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King Charles Laughed as Rod Stewart Humiliated Prince Harry at King's Foundation Awards

It was a night meant to celebrate charitable works and community leaders, but veteran rockstar Rod Stewart couldn't resist stirring up a bit of controversy during his speech at the annual King's Foundation Awards ceremony on June 10, 2024. 

King Charles Laughed as Rod Stewart Humiliated Prince Harry at King's Foundation Awards

The 79-year-old singer, known for hits like "Maggie May" and "Have I Told You Lately," was being honored at the event for his decades of philanthropic work through his Rod Stewart Charitable Foundation. However, when it came time for his acceptance remarks, Stewart seized the opportunity to take a jab at Prince Harry over the royal’s recent comments about needing continued taxpayer-funded security in the UK.

"Now, I know we're all here to talk about the great work the King's Foundation does, and believe me, I'm truly humbled and grateful to be recognized tonight," Stewart began. "But I've got to get something off my chest. I just can't let Prince Harry's delusional rubbish about needing armed guards in Britain go unchallenged." The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, encouraging Stewart to continue his tirade. "I mean, honestly, does this guy have a brain in his head?" the singer exclaimed. "He's living in America, for God's sake. He's got more money than the Queen now, but he still thinks the British public should be forking over millions to keep him safe."

Stewart went on to recount his own experiences traveling around the UK without any special security details. "I've been walking these streets for 60 years, and you know how many times I've been attacked or accosted?" he said. "Zero. Zilch. None. Because the good people of Britain have always been nothing but kind and respectful to me, no matter where I go." He then turned his attention to Harry's recent comments, in which the prince argued that he and his family still face credible threats in the UK and need continued police protection, even while residing primarily in California.

"This clown thinks he's still some kind of target just because he used to be a royal," Stewart scoffed. "Give me a break. I'll tell you what the real threat is: the threat of Harry pricing out hardworking British families who just want to feel safe in their own neighborhoods." The crowd erupted in cheers and applause once again, with many attendees rising to their feet.

"Look, I get it. The guy's got some personal issues. We all do. But that doesn't mean the rest of us should have to foot the bill for his bodyguards," Stewart continued. "If he's so worried about his safety, maybe he should just stay over in California with the rest of the millionaires. But he shouldn't be coming over here demanding the British people pay for his private security. It's an absolute disgrace, is what it is."

Stewart went on to say that Harry's constant complaints about his treatment in the UK were an insult to the monarchy and the British people as a whole. "The Queen, God rest her soul, gave her whole life to service and duty, and now her grandson is over here acting like some kind of victim, like the country that's given him everything has wronged him," he said. "It's shameful, is what it is, and I won't stand for it. Not tonight, not ever."

As Stewart's speech came to a close, the audience erupted into thunderous applause, many wiping tears from their eyes. The singer embraced King Charles II, who was in attendance, before exiting the stage to a standing ovation.

In the days that followed, Stewart's remarks went viral, sparking a heated debate on both sides of the Atlantic. Some praised the singer for his blunt criticism of Harry, while others accused him of being insensitive and out of touch. For his part, a spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex declined to comment on Stewart's speech, simply stating that Prince Harry remains focused on protecting his family and supporting the causes close to his heart.

The controversy showed no signs of dying down anytime soon, with many Brits rallying behind Stewart's defense of the monarchy and the British taxpayer. For Rod Stewart, it was just another opportunity to speak his mind and stir the pot, all while supporting a worthy cause close to his heart.

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