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Prince William's culinary secret that led him to the altar

The future king used his culinary skills to win Kate's heart.

Prince William's culinary secret that led him to the altar

Prince William turns 42 today and, although he is in Germany for the Euro Cup, he will surely be eager to get home and celebrate his anniversary with his wife Kate Middleton and his children. Maybe it will be a good time for the Prince to prepare again the recipe that once led him to conquer Kate?

It has been revealed that when they were both studying at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, William used to cook for Kate. In fact, she herself has said that the Prince tried to win her over through her culinary skills, preparing his special recipe for spaghetti bolognese. And it seems to have worked perfectly.

Spaghetti Bolognese is a classic of Italian cuisine, delicious and easy to prepare. But the version of the heir to the British throne has a special touch that made it the perfect dish to make his future wife fall in love with him.

The key ingredients are lean meat, crushed tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, butter, white wine, milk and Parmesan cheese. The secret is in the sautéing, the cooking of the meat and the cooking time of the sauce, which reaches three hours.

Once the sauce is ready, all that remains is to accompany it with the spaghetti cooked al dente and top it with chopped parsley and more Parmesan cheese. A simple recipe, but one that the heir used to win the heart of Kate Middleton.

Maybe, on the Prince's birthday, he and Kate will prepare this special dish together again for them. Without a doubt, a gesture full of romanticism and a way to relive those days when Guillermo sought to make the woman in his life fall in love with him through food.

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