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Meghan Markle Fumes Over MISSING INVITE To Kamala Harris's Town Hall Event

Meghan Markle was reveling in the spotlight alongside her so-called best friend, Oprah Winfrey.

Meghan Markle Fumes Over MISSING INVITE To Kamala Harris's Town Hall Event

However, things quickly took a dramatic turn. Let's rewind to a few days earlier when Meghan, microphone in hand, was in the middle of a speech. To her surprise, Oprah arrived late, strolling in casually as though she'd heard the speech countless times before. Whether she had or not, the disruption reportedly rattled Meghan, who had been set on delivering a stellar performance.

Despite this hiccup, the two later reunited at a bookstore event, seemingly smoothing things over. But are they truly the best of friends? In Hollywood, relationships often revolve less around genuine connection and more around mutual benefit, and Meghan and Oprah’s bond seems no different. Oprah is notorious for aligning herself with people at the height of their popularity, only to drop them when they fall from grace. Some are beginning to suspect that Meghan may be next on Oprah’s list to cut loose.

Fast forward a couple of days, and Meghan’s world appeared to unravel further. While she had been feeling close to Oprah at the bookstore, she hadn’t realized that Oprah had already moved on to her next high-profile engagement—a town hall event with Vice President Kamala Harris. Meghan, ever the opportunist, likely assumed that her presence at this event was practically guaranteed given her recent bonding moment with Oprah. But to her shock, no invitation arrived.

Was this an innocent oversight? Not quite. Sources suggest that Kamala Harris’s team, cautious after witnessing the public backlash that followed Taylor Swift’s political endorsement, had made a calculated decision. Even Taylor, with her immense influence, faced criticism and lost followers. If someone as popular as Taylor Swift couldn’t sway public opinion without backlash, what hope did Meghan have? The assumption is that if Meghan had publicly endorsed Harris, the invite would have found its way to her. However, Meghan has always been hesitant to fully commit when it comes to politics, and that hesitation likely cost her.

Kamala’s team reportedly feared that Meghan’s attendance would turn the spotlight away from the political event and onto her for all the wrong reasons. Political circles have no time for lukewarm endorsements, and Meghan’s indecisiveness left her out in the cold. Her reluctance to dive into the political fray is understandable when you consider the stakes. A full-fledged political endorsement could mean the final blow to her and Harry’s royal titles—titles they still hold onto as if they were lifelines. Losing those titles for good would be Meghan’s worst nightmare.

And so, Meghan found herself waiting for an invitation that never arrived. Her inability to make a clear decision left her sidelined. Instead of being a prominent guest at Kamala’s event, she was left in the shadows, wondering where it all went wrong. Has Oprah moved on? Has Hollywood? Meghan may be starting to realize that her once-glamorous appeal is rapidly fading.

At this point, one has to wonder: was the bookstore reunion with Oprah genuine, or just a public performance? Is Meghan still clinging to the hope of staying relevant among Hollywood's elite? One thing is certain—Meghan is learning that in Hollywood, you’re either in or out, and right now, she seems to be very much out. With no invite, no spotlight, and no political platform to stand on, it appears that the world of politics, and perhaps even Oprah, have other plans. Meghan, for now, is left watching from the sidelines, hoping for an invitation that may never come.

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