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James Middleton has secured a new deal that may well leave Meghan Markle seething. 


As if Meghan needed another reminder of her diminishing public relevance, James is set to serialize excerpts from his forthcoming memoir, Meet Ella, in People magazine—an outlet that has long maintained a close relationship with Meghan and Harry. Announcing this on social media, James shared that his book delves deeply into his personal battles with depression and how his loyal dog, Ella, became his lifeline during the darkest moments of his life. 

Meanwhile, Meghan's attempts at emotional storytelling seem to be floundering faster than her Hollywood career. While James opens up about his profound struggles, including a near-fatal night in 2017 when he wrestled with suicidal thoughts, Meghan appears to be left grasping for relevance in a media landscape that has grown indifferent to her personal narratives.

Does anyone even remember Meghan's last attempt at emotional honesty? Between the Netflix docuseries and Harry's memoir Spare, it's as if she's running out of material faster than she fled her royal duties. But here's where the irony becomes deliciously palpable—James has chosen People magazine to debut his memoir, the very same publication that has long been a PR megaphone for Meghan and Harry since 2019. Recall when Meghan’s friends fed People insider details about her strained relationship with her father? That was classic PR maneuvering at its finest. Now, with James' memoir poised for release, it seems Meghan might be getting a taste of her own medicine.

James' book focuses on family ties, mental health, and his deep affection for his canine companion, Ella, while Meghan’s dreams of releasing her own memoir seem increasingly uncertain. Sources claim Meghan is ready to bare all once again, perhaps with another tell-all saga, but one has to wonder—does anyone actually care anymore? Rumor has it that Meghan could potentially monetize her life as a former working royal, especially since the Sussexes have officially severed ties with the UK. However, is there really an appetite for another round of Meghan’s grievances? After all, her previous revelations have often been met with more eye-rolls than empathy.

The pressure may be mounting for Meghan, especially as her former in-laws appear to be thriving in their stable, drama-free lives, while she and Harry chase headlines like a dog chasing its tail. And then there's the recent Balmoral snub—where Meghan and Harry were conspicuously absent. On a related note, filmmaker Errol Grunwald, who is working on a documentary about the Sussexes, hinted that Meghan might have kept diaries during her time as a royal. Can you imagine a memoir filled with diary entries? It seems Meghan may be banking on this to rekindle interest, but with James' memoir shining a light on his personal struggles and triumphs, Meghan’s previous assertions of emotional pain feel increasingly hollow.

There’s a certain schadenfreude in watching the juxtaposition between James’ sincere narrative and Meghan’s increasingly transparent attempts to manipulate her image. In the end, it seems that everything Meghan touches turns to dust, while James Middleton has a genuinely compelling story to tell. Who would have thought that the tale of a man and his dog could eclipse the melodramatic trials of a former royal? As Meet Ella hits the shelves, we can only sit back and watch as Meghan’s memoir dreams crumble like a stale scone at a royal tea party.

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