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Meghan Markle Screams in CA As Peter Dinklage Tells Jimmy Kimmel Her Prison Past

Peter Dinklage has been quite outspoken about his dissatisfaction with the way Game of Thrones concluded, particularly regarding the character arcs and endings of Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow.

Meghan Markle Screams in CA As Peter Dinklage Tells Jimmy Kimmel Her Prison Past

When asked by Jimmy Kimmel about the controversial final seasons, Dinklage did not mince words, candidly stating, "The writers really screwed the pooch on that one." He expressed frustration, saying it seemed as though the writers didn't even put in the effort for the last couple of seasons, and that they ruined what were once great characters. "They turned Daenerys mad for no good reason, and as for Jon Snow, don't even get me started on how badly they butchered his story," he said, clearly unimpressed.

Kimmel, in his usual style, tried to lighten the mood by joking, "Hey now, Peter, maybe the writers ran out of good material after they wrapped up Tyrion's story so well in the earlier seasons." The audience laughed, but Dinklage wasn’t amused. He shot back, “Well, then maybe they should’ve brought in new writers with fresh ideas instead of sticking with the same people who clearly lost the plot. It felt like they didn’t care anymore.”

As the conversation took a turn, Kimmel attempted to steer it in a different direction by asking Dinklage about rumors that he and his wife had grown close to Meghan Markle in recent years. Dinklage immediately appeared uncomfortable and responded, "I'd rather not get into personal matters if that's okay." But Kimmel, always eager for juicy details, pressed on, "Come on, Peter, I’m just making conversation. The tabloids said you visited the Sussexes at their California home. What's the real story there?"

After a brief pause, Dinklage sighed and replied, "Alright, look, my wife and I met Meghan a few years back, and yes, we hit it off. She seemed really nice at first, but that was before—well, before she showed her true colors." The audience gasped at this revelation, and Kimmel leaned in, clearly intrigued. Encouraged to continue, Dinklage took a sip of water and elaborated, "At first, Meghan came across as this down-to-earth person who just wanted to help people, but the more I got to know her, the more I realized it was all an act. Everything was about image and perception with her. She'd twist people's words and constantly play the victim to get attention."

Dinklage then recalled a specific incident, saying, "One time, we had them over for dinner, and my wife made this incredible vegan potato gratin that took all day. You should’ve seen Meghan’s face when she realized it had cream in it. She acted like we personally offended her. She made a huge deal out of it." He added another anecdote, "Another time, she basically interrogated my publicist about the charities I support, as if she was looking for ways to copy or one-up me. The whole thing felt very calculated, like it was all for show. There was no real compassion or care behind it."

His frustrations didn’t stop there. He also expressed concern about how Meghan treated Prince Harry, stating, "Don’t even get me started on how she treats Harry. The guy is obviously completely whipped. Everything is about making Meghan happy and catering to her every whim. I’ve seen the way she talks down to him. It’s disturbing, honestly. Like, have some respect for the guy."

After a brief pause, Dinklage added, "So yeah, I’m not a big fan of Meghan Markle these days. Call it a gut feeling, but I’ve always had the sense she’s just using Harry for fame and fortune. She doesn’t really care about helping people like she pretends to. It’s all about branding, building her public image into a commodity."

The audience sat in stunned silence, while Kimmel, barely able to contain his excitement, remarked, "Well, Peter, you certainly didn’t hold back there. I have to say, that’s not the perspective we usually hear about Meghan Markle."

Dinklage, unfazed, took another sip of water and shrugged. "Maybe it’s time people started seeing through the act. She pretends to be a champion of women and diversity, but behind closed doors, it’s a different story. The woman is toxic. Look, I’ve tried to keep my personal life private, but when it comes to the Sussexes, I just can’t stay silent anymore. After the way she treated not just Harry but people like my wife, I feel obligated to speak up. Someone needs to call Meghan Markle out on her BS."

Kimmel, looking thoroughly entertained, smiled and said, "Well, Peter, I think you’ve certainly done that tonight, in no uncertain terms. I have to say, this has been one of the most fascinating interviews I’ve ever had. Thank you for opening up and sharing your true feelings."

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