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Queen Mathilde Kicks Prince Harry Out of WHO Dinner as Duke Gets High

Prince Harry attended a World Health Organization (WHO) dinner in New York this past weekend, an event honoring survivors of childhood violence. 

Queen Mathilde Kicks Prince Harry Out of WHO Dinner as Duke Gets High

However, there was a notable absence—his wife, Meghan Markle, was not by his side. Caught in the complexities of royal dynamics, Harry's discomfort was palpable during the event, particularly during an awkward interaction with Queen Mathilde of Belgium. In what can only be described as a cringeworthy moment, Harry attempted a friendly hug, only to be met with Queen Mathilde’s firm adherence to royal decorum. She was clearly more inclined to maintain the formal distance that European royalty often upholds.

Harry, trying to channel his inner warmth and perhaps seeking a connection, quickly realized that such gestures don't always translate well in the formal and rigid world of European aristocracy. The images captured at the event tell the story—Harry can be seen lingering awkwardly in the background, while Queen Mathilde and other dignitaries engage warmly in front of the cameras. It almost appeared as if they were at a “We’re Not With Harry” convention, and he had somehow missed the memo. His eagerness for connection, evident in the hug attempt, was politely met with a gentle yet firm hand on his shoulder, leaving the prince looking slightly embarrassed, as if he'd just seen a ghost.

What makes the situation even more amusing isn’t just the perceived snub, but the overall absurdity of it all. Our dear Prince Harry, who seemed to be trying to reestablish some form of royal rapport, ended up looking more like a bewildered extra at a grand gala than a confident prince. One could almost feel his desperation for acknowledgment, as his body language screamed, "Please, someone notice me!" Body language expert Judi James even pointed out that Harry appeared to be grappling with the reality of his visible demotion in royal circles—a feeling we can all empathize with on some level.

But a question lingers—why does Harry continue to attend these formal events when he seems so uncomfortable? His attire at the event only added to the spectacle. Showing up in what looked like a casual, "I just rolled out of bed" fashion, Harry seemed either oblivious to or dismissive of the event’s formal nature. Was this a deliberate attempt to appear laid-back, or did he simply not bother? One might speculate that he thought, "Why wear a tie? I’m just here to hug a queen." However, the queen clearly had no intention of returning the gesture. The contrast between Queen Mathilde’s poised elegance and Harry’s slightly disheveled appearance was striking. Queen Mathilde, with her years of dedication to royal duties, exuded grace and confidence, leaving Harry to fumble in her regal shadow.

Now, imagine if Meghan had been there, dressed in one of her signature extravagant gowns. She would have undoubtedly stolen the spotlight, possibly making Harry fade even further into the background. But back to Harry—did he truly expect that every royal would greet him with open arms? It seems a bit wishful, perhaps even delusional. He might want to reconsider his approach to royal protocol before launching into any more bear-hug attempts. After all, most European royals, unlike Harry and Meghan, tend to be far less touchy-feely.

One of the most entertaining aspects of this royal gathering was, unsurprisingly, Harry's body language. His expressions throughout the evening were a mix of confusion, desperation, and perhaps a hint of regret. Clinging to Queen Mathilde like a lifeline during the hug attempt, his face seemed to scream, "Please, someone validate my existence!" Despite his hopes of rekindling royal ties, the dinner turned into a spectacle of awkwardness. Between failed gestures and bewildered expressions, Harry was once again reminded that in the world of royalty, life isn’t always a fairy tale—especially when you’re the forgotten prince.

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