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Shiloh Jolie says goodbye to Brad Pitt, a legal turn that marks her independence

The actor's daughter has made a decisive decision.

Shiloh Jolie says goodbye to Brad Pitt, a legal turn that marks her independence

The recent decision of Shiloh, the daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, to officially change her name to Shiloh Jolie has captured the attention of the media and the general public, especially for the implications it has on her relationship with her father. As she grows up, Shiloh has expressed her unconditional support for her mother, evidenced by her critical stance towards Pitt, who has been the subject of accusations of mistreatment that have resonated in the public sphere since Angelina filed for divorce in 2016.

The young woman, who recently turned 18, has made this significant decision on her own, an act that symbolizes her courage and autonomy. Sources close to the family have revealed that Shiloh decided to hire her own lawyer and assume the costs of this legal process, indicating her firm desire to distance herself from a paternal figure who has been in the eye of the hurricane for his problematic behavior. This name change not only reflects a new stage in her life, but also a symbolic act that distances her from the negative legacy associated with her father.

The process to formalize this change in California includes the publication of a legal notice in a newspaper, which was recently done in the Los Angeles Times. Shiloh's lawyer, Peter Levine, has clarified that he is following the necessary legal procedure, emphasizing that the young woman made this decision in an "independent and meaningful" way after having faced painful experiences in her youth. The name change, therefore, becomes another step in her process of healing and redefining her identity. 

According to California law, if a person wishes to oppose a name change, they must do so within a set period that ends at the end of July. This means that if no objections are raised, the judge will be able to accept the new identity of Brad Pitt's daughter, thus providing legal closure that could contribute to her emotional well-being. This procedure not only has legal implications, but also reflects Shiloh's desire to build her own story, disassociating herself from the difficult past that has marked her family life.

In the midst of this family plot fraught with tension and conflict, the figure of Angelina Jolie continues to be a pillar of support for her children. The actress has fought tirelessly to ensure a safe and loving environment for her descendants, and Shiloh's decision to change her name is a testament to the positive impact of this upbringing. As her children grow up, it seems that each one is making decisions that will lead them towards a future in which they can break the cycles of abuse and suffering.

The news of Shiloh Jolie will resonate not only in Hollywood, but also in Argentina and the rest of the world, where the efforts of public figures to combat abuse and foster healthy family relationships are increasingly relevant. As Shiloh's future unfolds, her decision to change her name could serve as an inspiration to other young people facing similar circumstances and searching for their own voice in a complex world.


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