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Carolina Herrera CEO SLAM Meghan Markle Ruined Her Brand for Breaking Skirt Design

Meghan Markle made a surprise appearance at the LA Children's Hospital Gala, wearing a red Carolina Herrera gown.

Carolina Herrera CEO SLAM Meghan Markle Ruined Her Brand for Breaking Skirt Design

This choice left many questioning her fashion sense, as the gown had originally been worn at a military gala in 2021 and was widely considered unflattering. Critics feel the dress should have been permanently retired, joking that it deserves a "please don't wear me again" label. Despite the criticism, Meghan decided to bring it back, and unfortunately, it still failed to flatter her figure. The gown has become infamous, not just for its style, but for how poorly it suits her, leaving many wondering why she would subject herself to such a misstep again.

Fashion commentators have been puzzled by Meghan's decision to recycle a dress that many believe belongs in the fashion graveyard. No matter how much weight she might have lost since its last appearance, the dress still does her no favors. It’s as though the fashion gods themselves declared it a fashion disaster. After all the style advice and resources at her disposal, one might expect Meghan to know that this particular look is not just unflattering, but laughably so. Paired with her heavily criticized eyebrows and less-than-perfect makeup, the entire ensemble seemed to scream, "I don’t know what works for me."

Meghan’s fashion choices have always sparked debate, but her decision to wear this gown again has left many people bewildered. The makeup she paired with the outfit—an unfortunate combination of poorly applied contour and a mismatched color palette—only worsened the overall look. Her hair, which appeared loosely styled and ill-fitting, looked as though it might come undone with the slightest breeze. The gown's neckline also raised eyebrows, as it did nothing to enhance her appearance, leaving the bodice looking baggy and ill-tailored.

Some observers have speculated that Meghan was attempting to make a bold statement by recycling the dress, perhaps in an effort to demonstrate her commitment to sustainability. However, the decision has been interpreted as more of a desperate plea for attention rather than an eco-conscious move. Comparisons have been made to Julia Roberts’ iconic "Pretty Woman" moment, but instead of a triumphant display, Meghan’s outfit seemed more like a failed attempt to capture the spotlight at an event where such attire felt wildly inappropriate.

What truly struck a nerve with many was how out-of-place the gown seemed for a charity gala. Rather than displaying elegance or poise, the outfit had a "Deal or No Deal" aesthetic, recalling Meghan’s days as a briefcase model on the show. Instead of elevating her look, the choice of attire dragged her further into the realm of fashion missteps. Whispers of "Is she out of touch?" seemed to circulate in the crowd, adding an air of irony to the evening.

Much has been said about the so-called "revenge dress" narrative, a term coined to describe bold, defiant fashion choices after a personal or professional setback. While Princess Diana's iconic revenge dress made a powerful and lasting statement, Meghan’s red gown fell flat, feeling more like a cheap imitation than a striking moment of empowerment. To add insult to injury, Meghan’s natural hair texture was on full display, which some took as a sign of cutting back on the glam factor—possibly hinting at a tighter budget. The absence of prominent donors at her table only fueled rumors that Meghan's finances might be more strained than she’d like to admit.

Ultimately, Meghan’s decision to wear the red dress again raised more questions than it answered. In a world where she could be making bold, stylish choices that reflect her position and influence, she instead seemed to cling to a garment that had already been criticized. Her fashion misstep at the gala wasn’t just about the dress; it was a reflection of her seeming desperation for attention. If her goal was to make headlines, she succeeded—but for all the wrong reasons.

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