Meghan Markle’s latest attempt at television success with With Love, Meghan has ended in disaster, much to the surprise of absolutely no one—except, perhaps, Meghan herself.
Netflix, recognizing the show’s abysmal performance, has officially canceled plans for a second season. Greg Peters, the streaming giant’s CEO, made the long-overdue decision to cut the cord before the project could sink any further. As expected, Meghan is not taking the news gracefully. The show’s reception has been nothing short of catastrophic. On Rotten Tomatoes, it sits at an embarrassing 12%, a rating so dismal that even critics who typically soften their words couldn’t find anything positive to say.
Audiences were even harsher, with many branding the series as insufferably pretentious, tone-deaf, and so poorly written that it makes a middle school play look like Shakespeare. The writing, the delivery, and the overall execution were widely ridiculed, making it clear that With Love, Meghan was doomed from the start.
Netflix executives reportedly saw the failure coming from a mile away. Greg Peters had warned his team months in advance that the show was unlikely to succeed, yet whether due to contractual obligations or blind optimism, they allowed it to air anyway. Now, as backlash reaches a breaking point, Netflix’s board has gone into full damage control mode. Their first move? Pulling the plug on season two before Meghan could even pick out her next designer kitchen set.
Rather than acknowledging the show’s shortcomings, Meghan has chosen to shift the blame elsewhere. Instead of admitting that the series was simply a bad idea, she has accused Greg Peters of misogyny and discrimination, framing the cancellation as a personal attack rather than a business decision. Reports suggest that upon hearing the news, she erupted in anger, berating Netflix executives for failing to promote the show properly. In her view, the issue wasn’t the lackluster content or uninspired storytelling—it was simply poor marketing.
The fallout from With Love, Meghan prompted an emergency meeting among Netflix’s board members, all of whom agreed that the best course of action was to distance themselves from the project entirely. The tentative green light for a second season was swiftly revoked, even by those who had initially supported Meghan’s involvement. What’s more, internal discussions revealed a growing frustration among subscribers, many of whom were already threatening to cancel their memberships due to price hikes and Netflix’s questionable investment in a show that had failure written all over it. It turns out that audiences weren’t exactly eager to watch Meghan Markle attempt to be relatable from the comfort of her multi-million-dollar mansion.
Despite all of this, some within Netflix inexplicably continue to entertain the possibility of giving Meghan another shot at a different project. However, the likelihood of her securing a new contract beyond 2025 appears slim. Public interest in her ventures has plummeted, and unless she reinvents herself overnight, her future with the platform is all but over. True to form, Meghan isn’t going down without a fight. Reports indicate that she is scrambling to reverse Netflix’s decision, leveraging every connection and playing every victim card at her disposal. But if Netflix has learned anything from this debacle, it’s that investing in Meghan Markle is about as wise as setting a pile of money on fire.