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Anthony Quinn revealed that 'If worthwhile things were easy, anyone would do them'

The above phrase was popularized by the Mexican-American actor Anthony Quinn, in a commercial for a national brandy in the 1970s, which was widely distributed for several years.

Anthony Quinn revealed that 'If worthwhile things were easy, anyone would do them'

He came to my mind as a result of an illustrative talk I had yesterday with Norberto Barraza Almazán, in which we talked about his participation in the creation of a new regional political party.

When he asked me for an opinion on this project, my answer was that it is an extremely complex and difficult task, because the requirements for creating a new party are cumbersome and difficult, although they are not insurmountable, the requirement of obtaining a vote of more than 3% of the register, leads them to disappear in the first elections in which they participate, because, although they are granted economic prerogatives like the others, they are small to be able to be competitive in the electoral field, taking into account that Two of the most important factors in electoral processes are economic resources and the structure on which they will be supported, which to create requires a lot of effort, work, and organization, which is also expensive.

However, Norberto, who has already seen several electoral processes very closely and in fact formally participated in one as an independent candidate, is quite informed about it and not only aware of it but also very willing to take the bull by the horns.

For now, on January 29, two days before the deadline for it, they presented to the State Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute (IEE Sonora) the letter of intent to create a new regional political party, which I think I have understood. will bear the name "Let's Go".

Once the first step was taken, as Norberto told me, more people with activities unrelated to politics have been added to the project but with the desire to seek changes in which there is greater citizen participation, as well as a contest in electoral processes, to promote from power actions that truly benefit the population, through the empowerment of people prepared and capable of responding to the tasks assigned to them.

Norberto is also fully aware that political parties are currently highly discredited as such, however, he considers that it is the only viable alternative to participate in elections. To counteract this appreciation, very valid by the way, two objectives have been outlined:

Anthony Quinn revealed that 'If worthwhile things were easy, anyone would do them'

1. Send the message to people that they are doing it out of necessity, not for pleasure, as an objective way of being able to participate, "because if we stick to pure plans, nothing will happen, but with that, we participate". he commented.

2. Search within society for people who truly represent achievements and ability when anointed as candidates.

With this, they would have the option, in the case of accessing positions of power through the electoral route, of forming professional governments that really know the problems of the regions they will govern and have the capacity to solve them.

For now, they are up and running. During May and June, six assemblies will be held in Hermosillo, in each of the districts into which the Sonoran capital is divided, and later these meetings will be held in other municipalities of the state.

The first assembly has already been held. It was in District VI of Hermosillo, which, as far as I have been able to find out, had an excellent call and the IEE Sonora staff registered the people who support the political project.

However, to carry out the project, they need to gather around 5,600 citizen signatures in 14 of the 21 electoral districts of Sonora before the end of this year, according to the provisions of the IEE Sonora.

The road is undoubtedly quite winding, long, and arduous, but I see a Norberto with the courage and vitality to travel it. It is not the first time that he has set a high goal for himself and is full of obstacles, although on some occasions he has not reached them, he has not thrown in the towel either and has given up.

The history of humanity is littered with examples of men and women who managed to materialize a life project after years of fighting and facing endless setbacks.

After all, as Anthony Quinn said, "If worthwhile things were easy, anyone would do them."


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