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Five famous Actors and actresses with A Legendary Bad Temper

Humphrey Bogart

Gossip says that Humphrey Bogart had a bad character. Not only that he tipped his elbow like there was no tomorrow, which never helps social relationships. They also say that he had a surly personality and that, on occasion, his vehemence got him into more than one trouble.

Five famous Actors and actresses with A Legendary Bad Temper

However, there is also a positive side to the person of him. Those close to him referred to him as a great friend and a loyal guy. Perhaps his excessive honesty and his lack of tact with the "silly" Hollywood of the time was what earned him such a reputation for irritable fights. It all depends on the glass with which he looks at himself. For our part, we prefer to remember him as the protagonist of a long series of film noir films and an icon of several great Black and White hits.

Val Kilmer

Val Kilmer was once handsome, handsome and had a brilliant career ahead of him, all in the heat of his participation in Top Gun. We don't know if he went shortly after making Batman Forever, or maybe the thing came from before, but drug and alcohol abuse didn't help him much to keep up, precisely, turning him into one of the stinkers of Hollywood.

To round things off, some say that Kilmer is not only rude, pardon the expression, but that he is also so rude that he has driven many people away from him. If we add to this cocktail what many consider a narcissistic and childish attitude, you can understand why few people dare to work with him.

In his defense, we will say that the actor has apologized publicly on occasion, explaining that his outbursts are due to his desire to do a good job in the film and that he is not interested in sweetening the pill for the media or businessmen.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer López carries the label of being a horrible character to live with and work with. The actress, model, and singer have earned numerous parodies, which portrayed her as a hateful and unbearable being. Among her great social successes are those of never interacting with her co-stars outside the set, ignoring or neglecting them.

Five famous Actors and actresses with A Legendary Bad Temper

Her gossips also say that she tested the patience of her ex-partners many times, including Ben Affleck (Batman v Superman, Justice League), with each more ridiculous and posh request. For all this, coupled with her exquisite and absurd demands, we can understand that many people do not want to share a screen with her.

Christian bale

One of the most acclaimed actors of the last thirty years, he may retire as one of the guys with the shortest fuse and the most explosive temper in Hollywood. Apparently, Christian Bale holds himself in very high esteem, which makes him often contradict directors and producers, who allow him to get away with it, due to his impressive acting work and the large fanbase that supports him.

However, we must not forget the Terminator: Salvation leak, in which Bale lost his temper and almost killed one of the members of the filming crew, which drove him crazy. More specifically for Shane Hurlbut, cinematographer, who crossed the filming set, while Bale "got into the role". To further aggravate the portrayal of the actor, they say that, in 2008, our subject was almost sued by her own mother for assaulting her and the actor's sister.

Lindsay Lohan

Being a toy is never a pleasant dish. Lindsay Lohan proves how cruel the Hollywood industry can be when a young woman goes from being angelic and "pure" to an adult woman who, like every neighbor's daughter, allows herself to commit the odd outrage.

However, the Lohan thing went further, with cases of aggression and outbursts during certain filming. All this, by the way, is due (possibly) to the abuse of alcohol and drugs that this actress suffered at the end of the last decade and the beginning of this one. The fact that, furthermore, at a professional level, he has a reputation for arriving late to the shoot, not memorizing the script, and giving inappropriate replies to his teammates and the team, means that the global portrait of this former "little angel" does not do him much justice today.


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