The actor, who recently revealed his s- orientation, was the victim of the woman's disrespectful comment.
The Ecuadorian actor Roberto Manrique, who participated in the novel "Without Breasts, there is paradise," revealed through a video on his Instagram account that he is homos-. Although he has received support from many of his colleagues, friends, and fans, he has also had to endure some criticism.
After two weeks have passed since he confessed the truth about himself to the world, amid the massive support he has received, there has been no shortage of comments questioning his s- orientation.
Through his Instagram stories, the actor received a disrespectful message from one of his fans who called him a "waste" after learning that he likes men.
"No, my life, that's being super used, just not by you," replied the interpreter, who added: "Don't the other aspects of my life give it enough meaning to not be a 'waste'? ”.
He also shared a reflection on this type of "compliment" that members of the community receive from some heteros- women to exalt his physical beauty. In that same space, he stated that he understood that many of them do not do it to hurt him.
“Just because it's based on the assumption that you find me attractive doesn't make it a compliment. (Thanks the same). That your chances of having something physical with me make my life something that has no value in existence (a waste) instead, it does make it something negative. And let's face it, those odds were pretty slim before. Not because you look one way or another (in fact, I haven't seen the dozens of profiles that have written me that comment) but by simple mathematical probability (are you following me?)”.