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When Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein unexpectedly met

Despite leading a life surrounded by stereotypes and false beliefs, Monroe proved to be much more than a woman with beautiful curves and irremediable beauty. Among her curiosities, we can count that Marilyn was a woman of high intelligence, to a surprising level indeed. In fact, it has been claimed that she surpassed the German genius.

When Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein unexpectedly met

But, beyond any statistical data, the erotic symbol of the time was also a great reader. Marilyn Monroe's library was enormous, she had a particular interest in Freud's analysis and in the great teachings that were hidden behind the letters of Homer or Joyce.

In addition to this, it is said that, among Marilyn Monroe's abilities, was that she came to create her own character, that studied how to sing a type of voice that, even though it was not her own, sounded sweeter and more seductive to form that image that gave him success. Hence the talk of the intellectual and creative power of the actress.

However, going back to the data that has been recorded, it is believed that Monroe had an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 165. This would mean an intelligence superior to that of Einstein by five points.

You may be wondering how such information came to be known. The truth is that intelligence tests were already common at this time. These were created and used in 1912 by the German psychologist William Stern. But, it was not until the 40s and 50s that they became common, they used to be applied with relative normality. We do not know which professional was the one who applied the test to the actress, but it was, without a doubt, a very widespread fact until now. Marilyn Monroe had a remarkably high intelligence, just like Einstein.

Now, intelligence is not always correlated with happiness, emotional stability, or getting a doctorate from a prestigious university. Intelligence is made up of many areas and, today, it is known that the most intelligent people, with the highest IQ, tend to be, in fact, the most unhappy, being unable to manage their emotions, aspirations, and needs.

Hence, other data on the life and death of Marilyn Monroe are discussed. Well, it is said that she had to overcome a difficult childhood and a broken adolescence, from which she was able to escape until she reached that shiny red carpet in Hollywood. There where it is never easy to stay. But she did it. However, we all know what was the end of her, and that she, surely, did not become very happy in her life.

In any case, it is worth noting that, despite her surprising intelligence, in Monroe's fame she always won her physical beauty and sensuality. Intelligence, although she could, was never the protagonist of her success, reflecting the remarkable impact of a macho and prejudiced society.

The day Marilyn met Albert Einstein

For his part, it is worth mentioning that, among Einstein's curiosities, is that he was friends with great celebrities such as Charles Chaplin (of whom Einstein was a great admirer). Einstein's relationships made him very popular and attended meetings with celebrities from the world of Hollywood.

Thus, the meeting between Marilyn Monroe and Einstein occurred. It was at the end of the 40s, at a party where the social obligations of each one made them both coincide. It is said that Marilyn had a special interest in talking with Einstein, that she had read about him, and that she wanted to be introduced to such an eminent man of science.

In this way, seeing the genius, she did not hesitate. She was the one who approached the genius and, to break the ice, she said what simply came first into her head:

"What does professor say, we should get married and have a child together. Can you imagine a baby with my beauty and intelligence? "

According to rumors, after this, Albert Einstein smiled a little when he saw Marilyn before him. Afterward, he adopted a serious expression at the actress's proposal. He didn't take long to reply:

"Unfortunately, I fear that the experiment will go the other way and we will end up with a child with my beauty and his intelligence"

They both laughed, exchanged a few more words, and there was Marilyn's fantastic proposition and the hasty response of the great genius.

But the most curious thing about this anecdote is that there was something that was not entirely true in this conversation. Marilyn Monroe had an IQ of 165, surpassing Einstein by 5 points. What's more, in fact, Marilyn Monroe's coefficient is even higher than that of Stephen Hawking, who has an IQ of 152.

But his intelligence was as remarkable as that of any genius. So, if he had had a son by Albert Einstein, we don't know if he would have been physically graceful or not, but what is likely is that he would have had the intellectual brilliance of two geniuses in their respective arts. Why not?

Before we say goodbye, we would like to know your opinions about this funny anecdote, so do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section, we would love to read you! See you in another super curious article. Do not miss Marilyn Monroe's phrases.


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  1. Interesting IQ comparisons!: Einstein 160, Marilyn Monroe 166, Mr Bean 166, Hedy Lamarr 163; Hedy Lamarr was also a physicist who made discoveries relating to Radar(using it to jam German naval torpedoes) and also discoveries relating to Wifi and Bluetooth.
