1- Jared Leto
The American actor and singer had already transformed his look for Chapter 27 (where he played the murderer of John Lennon) and Dallas Buyers Club (a role that gave him his only Oscar) and now he has done it again with his character in Ridley's new film Scott on the controversial Gucci family.
2- Donald Glover
One of the best, or at least most curious, chapters of the Atlanta series is Teddy Perkins. He is named after the name of his protagonist, who is nothing more and nothing less than Glover, the main actor of the fiction, with his face painted white and modified by makeup. Not even his companions realized at first that it was him.
3- Colin Farrell
The new Batman movie will come with surprises. One of them is that of Robert Pattinson in the skin of the batman. The other, and perhaps the most striking, is that of Farrell playing The Penguin with a totally different face.
4- Tilda Swinton
Makeup artist Mark Cuoulier did the impossible by turning the We Need To Talk About Kevin actress into an 82-year-old man. The transformation occurred in the perfect film: the remake of Sighs.
5- Gary Oldman
Gaining weight and scarily resembling Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour earned the infallible Oldman an Academy Award. Kazuhiro Tsuji was the makeup artist. He got it after six months of intense work.
6- Charlize Theron
The South African actress even modified her bite to play one of the characters that changed her career. In Monster, Theron gained 30 pounds and wore contacts and makeup to look completely different. She also won an Oscar.
7- Steve Carell
The protagonist of Virgin at 40 and The Office transformed -almost- radically to play the tycoon John du Pont in Foxcatcher. He not only changed his physique, but also his acting range, usually related to comedy.