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Six Interesting Facts about Frank Sinatra life

1. A difficult birth that left scars

Six Interesting Facts about Frank Sinatra life

Frank Sinatra weighed almost 6 kilos at birth: specifically, 5.8 kg. The delivery, of course, was very complicated and they had to use forceps to remove him from his mother's body. As a result, the baby suffered injuries to his face (hence the scar on the left side of his face) and one ear, as well as leaving his eardrum shattered. After the initial shock, his mother, seeing that he was a boy, was disappointed since she had bought everything hoping to give birth to a girl.

2. Frank's Hobbies

There were many things that Frank Sinatra could not stand. Women smoking and drinking alcohol excessively was one of them, in addition to extremely strong odors. He did not tolerate strong perfumes in men or women. And if there was something he couldn't stand, it was the lack of hygiene. His obsession with cleanliness was such that in the last years of his life he would shower up to 12 times a day.

3. Crazy about Carmen Sevilla

He fell hopelessly in love with Carmen Sevilla. When the singer was in Spain filming Pride and Passion, in 1956 he met her and couldn't stop thinking about her. Such was the case that since he saw her, he began to send her a bouquet of red roses daily to see if he would win her over. Finally, and according to what they say, they did not have any idyll because the actress did not approve of s-x outside of marriage.

4. Hiring fans

Six Interesting Facts about Frank Sinatra life

Frank Sinatra inaugurated the fan phenomenon among adolescents with scenes of girls throwing themselves on him to touch him or kiss him. No one doubts its appeal to his fans, but in the early days his manager, George Evans, had to hire fans and pay them $5 for each performance in which they appeared going crazy for their idol.

5. Partner of Pablo Escobar

Frank Sinatra's relations with the mafia are well known. Also, let's not forget that he was the son of Italian immigrants and that he lived in the suburbs of New York, in the area where newcomers to the Big Apple tried to make their way in life battling scarcity and discrimination. In fact, the son of Pablo Escobar has assured that Sinatra was one of his father's partners. "We once had dinner at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas with him, and afterward he took us to see Las Vegas from the air in a private helicopter," he revealed. His friendship with mafia groups led him to have to testify in the House of Representatives in the year 72.

6. With mental health problems

Despite being one of the most important artists of all time, as is the case on many occasions, Frank Sinatra's career suffered from ups and downs, the 1950s being the most pronounced. That led him to fall into a depression that made him try to end his life by putting his head on a stove. His love-hate relationship with Ava Gardner, to whom he was married, made him try again three times.


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