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The difficult romance between Chris Martin and Jennifer Lawrence

There was a time when Chris Martin and Jennifer Lawrence started a love story, but it ended up being a short novel. 

The difficult romance between Chris Martin and Jennifer Lawrence

Love is always in the air in show business. Artists who pour their entire being into their productions, into their art, make them feel attracted to each other. The situation is enhanced when breakups happen, and give way to the birth of a new couple.

This happened in 2014 when actress Jennifer Lawrence and singer Chris Martin surprised everyone when the press announced that they were together. She was 24 years old and he was 37 when they started dating, and both were coming from breakups that needed emotional shelter.

The Coldplay singer was recently with Gwyneth Paltrow after 11 years of relationship and two children together, while the star of The Hunger Games had also broken off her relationship with Nicholas Hoult, her co-star in X Men: Days of the Future past

Everything went wonderfully at first. Jennifer was living the dream of being paired with one of her idols from her adolescence and the one who brought some tears to her with the song Yellow. For his part, and according to close sources, Chris was experiencing sensations that he had missed during his marriage to Paltrow because he established a relationship with someone opposite to his ex-wife.

Everything seemed to indicate that they would enjoy each other for a long time, but just as they started dating, it only took four months until they separated! If everything was going so well, what could have happened for the flame to go out in a third of a year?

Something very common in couples in the environment is how little they coincide on the calendar, since Martin was on tour with Coldplay, while Lawrence was at a time of a lot of work. To make matters worse, an unexpected event put the actress at the center of everyone's attention.

The scandal over Jennifer's intimate photos that were leaked was something big, so much so that the press was all over her and her new boyfriend. It seems that such a siege was not something the singer could get used to.

Those close to both of them expressed that they had a very good and loving relationship and that they were crazy about each other, but all that heat that a hot air balloon could have raised could not overcome all that context that ended up stinging it as soon as it began to take flight.


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