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Monica Lewinsky revealed what she did to drive Bill Clinton crazy

On November 14, 1995, her life would change forever. It was the beginning of a relationship that ended in sc--dal and put a presidency in check.

Monica Lewinsky revealed what she did to drive Bill Clinton crazy

Monica Lewinsky answered everything. Every question she was asked she answered. One by one. With details never before revealed. From what she did with the dress and how she realized it was stained, to the moment she thought about taking her own life due to the pressure she was under after the sc--dal broke out over the affair that began in 1995 and made shake President Bill Clinton.

But one revelation caught particular attention. One about which there had never been any information. It was how Lewinsky managed to attract the attention of who was then the most powerful man on Earth.

It would be the first time they would be alone. Kissing desperately. It was November 14, 1995. The young intern had been called to assist with the phones in the midst of stormy days of homework at the White House.

That day, according to the story of the woman who is now 45 years old, a surprise party was held for a member of Clinton's team at the Government Headquarters, in the heart of Washington DC. She and the President were part of the meeting, which had a relaxed tone.

At one point, she realized that her thong was on display. She also saw that Clinton was nearby. She watching everything. By the way, Lewinsky said she decided to leave her underwear within eyesight of her boss when she walked past him. A few minutes later, the intern walked near the Oval Office, at which point Clinton smiled at her and asked her to come in. Moments later they were both kissing in an adjoining room.

Lewinsky would then return to her own office to meet Clinton once again. It was the beginning of a relationship that would last almost two years. During that period they would have at least one encounter per week.

Lewinsky recounted in detail that moment when she was about to become involved in relationship with the most powerful man on the planet: "I realized that the top... of my underwear had been showing, my underwear was a thong. And I thought, 'Well, I'll up the game.' I knew he was leaving a room. And instead of putting my pants on, like I would have done in any other incident, I didn't. It wasn't obvious to everyone else in the room. room, but he realized... I remember him asking me questions... Where did I go to college? Things like that. I don't think at that point in my life my heart beat so fast. I blurted out, 'You know, I'm in love of you.' And he started laughing, smiled and asked me if I wanted to go to the back office. And I did," the former intern recalled.

"It was dark and he finally asked me if he could kiss me and I said yes. After a little while, I went back to my desk. And at some point later in the night, I was the only person in the office. And he came back in and he said, 'If you want to meet me in the studio afterward in 10 minutes, you can.' So I did." he said.

"I don't talk about this very often and I still don't feel comfortable talking about it. It's one of those things where it's not like it didn't register that he was the president. Obviously he was. But I think in a way, When we were in the administrative office for the first time, the truth is that I think it meant a lot to me that the person that other people wanted, wanted me," the former intern said in an interview with A&E.

Lewinsky also explained what her encounters with Clinton were like and denied that any had been in the Oval Office: "He had a private personal office. That's where every encounter took place. The encounters blossomed into a relationship. But nothing happened inside the office. "Oval Office itself. We would talk and maybe flirt here and there, but there was no activity happening in the Oval Office," the woman clarified.

"At that time, he was in contact or seeing him almost weekly," Lewinsky added, emphasizing that not necessarily every encounter with the President turned into something.

The affair between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky broke out in January 1998, when a friend of the young intern presented recordings to the FBI in which the encounters between the two were recounted. The sc--dal became public and the American president was impeached for perjury by the United States House of Representatives. He was exonerated.


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