Antonio Banderas, the renowned actor from Malaga, recently appeared as the first guest on The Three Doors, a new program hosted by María Casado on Spanish Television.
In this interview, the 61-year-old actor candidly discussed certain aspects of his personal life, including the challenging period surrounding his divorce from Melanie Griffith. Reflecting on his time in Hollywood, Banderas expressed nostalgia for the years spent with his "American family."
Despite the separation from Griffith, with whom he shares a daughter named Stella del Carmen, now 25, Banderas emphasized his ongoing support for his ex-wife and the sense of family they still maintain. He acknowledged Stella, Melanie, his daughter Dakota, his son Alexander, and Jesse—considered part of their American family. Banderas admitted to periodic and regular contact, confessing, "Sometimes I feel homesick."
The actor's romance with Melanie Griffith began in 1995, culminating in their marriage a year later. The unexpected news of their divorce surfaced on June 6, 2014. Despite the end of their romantic relationship, the couple remains connected through their shared commitment to their children, including Melanie's children from previous marriages, Dakota Johnson and Alexander Bauer, as well as Jesse Johnson.
Following the divorce, Banderas found solace in work, obsessively immersing himself in his profession. He confessed to missing significant moments in his daughter's life due to his intense focus on work, completing seven films in a single year. The toll on his personal life led him to regret these sacrifices and recognize the hardships of his chosen profession.
A turning point came on January 26, 2017, when Banderas suffered a heart attack. This health scare prompted him to reassess his priorities, viewing it as a second chance at life. The heart attack compelled him to step back and adopt a different perspective, acknowledging the need for a more balanced and meaningful existence.
Currently residing in Malaga, where he is engaged in the musical Company at the Teatro del Soho Televisión (TST), Banderas shared a humorous anecdote about a spectator questioning whether he was truly performing. This incident highlights the misconceptions surrounding his work, with some suggesting he uses a double or performs in playback. Banderas dismissed these claims, emphasizing his aversion to falsehoods that could harm his reputation. In facing such challenges, he concluded, "I'm afraid of facing lies in my life, of having a hoax thrown at me that I can't defend myself against and that could sink me."