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Five most humiliating auditions experienced by Hollywood actresses

Susan Sarandon

In 2012, the activist and veteran actress offered an interview to Elle magazine in which she revealed what had happened to her with a casting director during her first steps in film. 

Five most humiliating auditions experienced by Hollywood actresses

“It was an unpleasant experience. I went into a room and he practically threw me on the table. I had just arrived in New York. I didn't think about it for a second. Was sated".

Jennifer Lawrence

Before succeeding in Hollywood and winning an Oscar, Jennifer Lawrence was humiliated during an audition. “The producers of a movie asked me to lose seven kilos in two weeks. The producer made me undress and stand in line with five other women, thinner and also naked, and she told me that I had to use the photos from that session as inspiration for my diet. When I complained to the producer, she replied that she didn't know why everyone thought she was fat if he thought she was 'perfectly f---able.'" After that episode, she revealed, she began to be considered a “difficult” actress for the studios.

Chloe Sevigny

The actress spoke publicly about the harassment she suffered in several auditions from three well-known directors. Sevigny explained exactly what these moments were like: “I've had the typical conversation of 'What do you do after this?'; also the one about 'Do you want to go shopping, try on clothes, and play together in the fitting room?'” As if that were not enough, another blurted out: “You should show your body more. "You shouldn't wait until you're as old as those actresses, you should get naked now." Obviously, Sevigny refused and, as a result, she never got those roles.

Alison Brie

While promoting the series Glow, Alison Brie denounced that during auditions actresses continue to endure behavior as s--ist as in the 1980s. “When I was starting out, I went to a test that consisted of reading three lines for an episode of Entourage, and I had to wear a bikini. Or with very short shorts. And they said to me, 'Well, now can you take off your top?'" the actress told Entertainment Weekly magazine. For Brie, nothing has changed in the hiring dynamics in the film mecca during the last decades.


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