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Luisana Cut Ties with Meghan & Harry As They Rejected To Pay For Dinner

Anna decided to sever ties with Megan and Harry after an incident where they skipped out on paying for dinner, leaving her to foot the bill. 

Luisana Cut Ties with Meghan & Harry As They Rejected To Pay For Dinner

The rift between them became apparent when Megan, Harry, and Michael Bublé attended a lavish gala dinner in Canada. However, what many overlook is Megan's initial connection to Bublé through her former best friend, Jessica Morrone. Their friendship dates back to a dinner hosted by stylist Ben and his wife in 2015, long before any tension arose.

In the lead-up to the 2025 Winter Invictus Games, Megan and Harry were spotted enjoying Bublé's performance, where he serenaded them with a personalized rendition of Frank Sinatra's "My Way." Despite their public camaraderie, behind the scenes, tensions simmered as Megan and Harry neglected to settle the tab after dining with Bublé at an Indian restaurant. An insider revealed that Bublé ended up covering the bill, hinting at a breach of etiquette on Megan and Harry's part.

Furthermore, rumors swirled about Megan's behavior during the meal, with claims that she kept her sunglasses on and indulged in particularly spicy dishes. Some speculated this was a nod to her fascination with Katherine of Aragon and her love for spicy food. However, these incidents only exacerbated the perception of Megan and Harry as opportunists, especially in the eyes of Anna, who felt disrespected by their actions.

The couple's demeanor during their stay in Canada added fuel to the fire, with reports suggesting they relished in the hospitality without reciprocating. Despite their public gratitude for the warm reception during the Invictus Games celebration, some felt their words rang hollow, viewing them as mere lip service rather than genuine appreciation.

Ultimately, the fallout from the dinner incident highlighted deeper issues within the relationship, causing Anna to question the authenticity of Megan and Harry's intentions. While they may have painted a picture of camaraderie in public, behind closed doors, their actions spoke volumes, leading Anna to distance herself from the couple she once considered friends.

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