Patrick J. Adams and Sarah Rafferty, beloved former co-stars from the hit legal drama "Suits," are gearing up to unveil their own podcast venture, stepping into the spotlight with promises of exclusive behind-the-scenes revelations.
Interestingly, their podcast journey takes a detour from the trajectory of their former colleague, Meghan Markle, who recently rebranded her own podcast after parting ways with Spotify. Despite their shared history on-screen, Adams and Rafferty have notably excluded Markle from their upcoming project, signaling a significant shift in dynamics within the "Suits" alumni circle.
The anticipation surrounding Patrick and Sarah's podcast project, yet to be titled, reached a fever pitch as Sirius XM announced their collaboration earlier this week. In a nod to their loyal fan base, the duo plans to delve deep into the intricacies of "Suits," rewatching and dissecting episodes alongside special guests ranging from fellow cast members to crew members and dedicated fans.
The decision to omit Markle from the lineup comes as no surprise, given the reported rift between the trio. Sources close to the production reveal that Markle's involvement was not on the cards, aligning with the sentiments expressed by Adams and Rafferty, who seem determined to steer clear of potential distractions.
The timing couldn't be more perfect for Adams and Rafferty to embark on this nostalgic journey, riding the wave of the recent resurgence in interest surrounding "Suits." Expressing their enthusiasm for the project, they emphasized their eagerness to reconnect with the show's dedicated following while acknowledging the pivotal role it played in their careers. Adam Saak, Senior Vice President of Podcast Content at SiriusXM, echoed their sentiments, highlighting the podcast's potential to captivate audiences with its insider insights and passionate discourse.
Meanwhile, whispers within industry circles hint at the underlying tensions that led to Markle's exclusion from the project. Allegations of her penchant for monopolizing conversations and diverting attention away from the collective endeavor have swirled, casting a shadow over her collaborative ventures.
Adams and Rafferty, known for their professionalism and commitment to their craft, reportedly grew weary of what they perceived as Markle's constant need to be the center of attention. Critics have cited a lack of substance and direction in Markle's previous podcast endeavors, suggesting that her presence could potentially undermine the integrity of Adams and Rafferty's project.
As Markle's podcast undergoes a transformation in a bid to salvage its reputation, the demise of her previous venture serves as a cautionary tale in the unforgiving landscape of media. Despite her global fame and influence, success remains elusive without a solid foundation of quality content and genuine engagement. For Adams and Rafferty, the stage is set to take their audience on a nostalgic journey through the halls of Pearson Hardman, offering a fresh perspective untainted by the distractions of celebrity drama.