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Hollywood Slams Door Shut on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Face

In the latest installment of the royal soap opera, it's been whispered that Prince Harry is working overtime to kickstart his wife's flailing Hollywood career. 

Hollywood Slams Door Shut on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Face

According to sources, Prince Harry is reportedly on a mission to propel Meghan Markle to stardom, or so he believes. He finds it absurd that Meghan is missing out on easy cash just to stick it to the Royals, insiders reveal. While Harry fully supports her philanthropic and political ambitions, he thinks there's more to life than just that.

To make his wife's dreams come true, Harry has allegedly been playing puppet master, pulling strings and pleading with his contacts to give Meghan new opportunities. Remember when he sweet-talked Bob Iger into giving her that voiceover gig for a Disney film about elephants? Classic Harry. However, instead of being grateful for the leg up, the Duchess reportedly finds Harry's efforts patronizing. After all, who needs a prince deciding their career path for them? Certainly not Meghan, who is perfectly capable of choosing her next venture on her own.

The source went on to claim that Meghan is being showered with offers from all directions, and Harry believes she is destined for Oscar glory. And as an aside, it's been mentioned that Harry has developed a newfound love for psychedelics, which apparently is relevant to this narrative. If the rumors about Harry's Hollywood push are true, Meghan might need more than just Harry's enthusiasm. It’s no secret that finding work in Tinseltown isn't easy, especially when your reputation is as tarnished as an old teapot. Who in their right mind would want to work with a couple known for airing their dirty laundry, cozying up to controversial figures, and sending out jars of jam that look like they've seen better days? Maybe Melissa McCarthy and Chrissy Teigen, but that’s a hard maybe.

Meanwhile, Meghan Markle's return to acting has been teased once again, with the former Suits star eyeing a comeback after her stint in the royal family. Now that they've waved goodbye to royal duties, speculation about Meghan's return to the screen is rife. Although she is currently busy with a lifestyle brand and Netflix projects, an acting revival might be on the cards as a last resort. According to royal expert Tom Quinn, making a Hollywood comeback won’t be a walk in the park. "Things have changed a lot since Meghan last graced the screen," he revealed exclusively to the Mirror. While Meghan may still hold some allure as a troubled ex-royal, returning to acting might not be her cup of tea.

Meghan has set her sights on becoming a superstar entrepreneur, Quinn continued. However, Harry is clueless and would support her in anything, even if it means being apart while she's off filming. Rumors have even circulated about Meghan reprising her role as Rachel Zane in the upcoming Suits LA spin-off. The show promises drama, intrigue, and a troubled protagonist—a perfect fit for Meghan's newfound image. The spin-off will follow a brand-new lead’s journey through the complex world of the US legal system, introducing viewers to a former federal prosecutor from New York named Ted Black.

According to the show's logline, Ted Black has reinvented himself by representing the most powerful clients in Los Angeles. The drama will follow as his firm reaches a crisis point, and he must adapt and embrace a new role to survive. As his personal and professional life intersects with that of his colleagues, Ted's life will slowly begin to unravel on screen.

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