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Meghan Markle Booed When a Clip of Meghan Pushing Beatrice Out to Get a Seat at St Paul Leaked

Prince Harry was seen in an unprecedented fit of rage after Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, husband of Princess Beatrice, posted shocking footage of a huge altercation between Meghan Markle and Beatrice at St. Paul’s Cathedral. 

Meghan Markle Booed When a Clip of Meghan Pushing Beatrice Out to Get a Seat at St Paul Leaked

This usually mild-mannered prince was visibly seething as he confronted Edoardo over the incident, which took place during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The confrontation occurred as the royal family was entering the cathedral for the service on Friday. As Meghan and Beatrice crossed paths, long-simmering tensions erupted into a heated argument, escalating into shoving and shouting. Witnesses reported hearing Harry yell at Edoardo, "I'll kill you, you slimy little weasel. How dare you film that and put it online for the whole world to see. You've humiliated my wife."

Edoardo, visibly shaken, attempted to defend his actions. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean any harm," he stammered. "I was just documenting the historic event. I had no idea things would get so out of hand." However, Harry was not appeased. Grabbing Edoardo by the collar, he continued his tirade, accusing him of deliberately trying to embarrass Meghan and the royal family. Security guards had to intervene to prevent the confrontation from becoming physical, and a trembling Edoardo hurried away, presumably to comply with Harry's demand to remove the video.

Unfortunately, the damage was already done. The footage had gone viral, viewed millions of times, and sparked a massive controversy.

So, what exactly triggered the explosive scene between Meghan and Beatrice? According to multiple eyewitnesses, the two have been embroiled in a bitter feud for years. Since Meghan joined the royal family, there has been tension and rivalry. A palace insider mentioned, "Beatrice has never liked Meghan and always felt threatened by her. She sees Meghan as an outsider trying to muscle her way into the royal spotlight."

Tensions came to a head on Friday when the two women crossed paths while entering the cathedral. Reportedly, Meghan made a snide remark about Beatrice’s dress or hat, which provoked Beatrice to snap. She started yelling at Meghan, calling her names and shoving her. The situation quickly descended into chaos as the two women exchanged insults and nearly came to blows before being separated by security. Meghan was reportedly left in tears, while Beatrice stormed off in anger.

The royal family is said to be mortified by the public spectacle. An insider revealed, "The Queen is absolutely devastated. She was really looking forward to a dignified Jubilee celebration, and instead, we get this embarrassing mess. She’s furious with both Meghan and Beatrice for ruining the day."

Harry's anger at Edoardo for capturing and sharing the footage has only added to the family's distress. Royal experts suggest that this incident further strains the already fragile relationship between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family. Royal commentator Penny Thornton noted, "Harry and Meghan were already on shaky ground with the family after all the drama of the past few years. This is just going to make things so much worse. The rift between them may be impossible to heal at this point."

Only time will tell how this latest royal feud will unfold, but it is certain that the fallout from this shocking incident will be felt for a long time.

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