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Lady Colin Campbell Claims Prince Harry Has Consulted Divorce Lawyers Amid Meghan Markle Rift

The British royal family can't seem to escape the relentless drama and controversy. 

Lady Colin Campbell Claims Prince Harry Has Consulted Divorce Lawyers Amid Meghan Markle Rift

Just when it appeared that tensions were beginning to ease between Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan, and the rest of the Royals, a startling claim has emerged that could profoundly impact the couple's already turbulent marriage.

According to Lady Colin Campbell, a prominent British socialite, author, and former contestant on "I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here," Prince Harry has secretly contacted divorce lawyers, suggesting that he and Meghan are on the verge of a split. This revelation could signify the end of one of the most scrutinized royal marriages in recent history.

Lady Colin Campbell is renowned for her deep insights into the British royal family, having authored several books about their personal lives and relationships. She claims to have sources close to the Palace who have provided her with insider information regarding the escalating tensions between Harry, Meghan, and the rest of the royal family.

The rift between the Sussexes and the rest of the Royals has been well-documented over the past several years. Since Harry and Meghan's explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, where they leveled serious accusations against the monarchy, their relationship with Buckingham Palace has been fraught.

Tensions reached a new low earlier this year when Harry and Meghan traveled to the UK for Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, only to be largely excluded from the official events. Reports indicated that Harry and Meghan were effectively uninvited to several high-profile festivities, leading to speculation that the rift had deepened.

In a video posted on her channel, Campbell stated that her sources have confirmed Harry has been in touch with divorce lawyers. "I've been told by two people of impeccable integrity, and I have not a shadow of doubt about their veracity, that Harry has been in touch with divorce lawyers," she asserted. She further alleged that the decision to separate was largely driven by Meghan, who has become increasingly unhappy with life in the UK and the royal family. "Meghan has decided that she wants out," Campbell claimed. "Harry, since he loves her, is going along with what she wants."

If true, these revelations would have seismic implications not just for Harry and Meghan but for the entire Royal Family. A high-profile divorce between the couple would undoubtedly trigger a fresh wave of tabloid frenzy and further damage the monarchy's reputation. Moreover, a split would likely reignite the bitter tensions between the Sussexes and the rest of the Royals. Harry's relationship with his brother, Prince William, is already strained, and a divorce could drive an even bigger wedge between them.

There's also the question of what would happen to the couple's two young children, Archie and Lilibet. Custody battles and child support disputes would almost certainly play out in the public eye, adding to the family's woes.

It's important to note that Lady Colin Campbell's claims have not been officially confirmed by Buckingham Palace or the Sussexes themselves. Royal watchers have long been skeptical of Campbell's reliability, and some have accused her of peddling unsubstantiated gossip. Additionally, Harry and Meghan have not made any public statements about the state of their marriage or potential divorce proceedings. The couple has been notoriously private about their personal life and may choose to continue that approach even in the face of such dramatic rumors.

Ultimately, the fate of Harry and Meghan's marriage remains uncertain. While Lady Colin Campbell's allegations are certainly attention-grabbing, they should be taken with a grain of salt until more concrete evidence emerges. One thing is clear, however: the drama surrounding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is far from over.

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