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Demi Lovato used her engagement to Max Ehrich to prove she was okay

The singer expressed that having an engagement ring gave her a false sense of stability.

After an overdose and a stint in rehab, Demi Lovato used her engagement with Max Ehrich to fool the world, and even herself, that she was feeling much better.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly magazine, the singer talked about what motivated her to live with her boyfriend, get engaged, and break off the engagement in a matter of months.

“I fooled myself because it was the safest and most expected. I was deeply loved by the person (Max), but there was something inside me that said, 'I have to show the world that I'm okay. Now that I'm not engaged or married and I'm fine, I'm like, 'Wow. Isn't that much more empowering?' It's not this false sense of security," the interpreter said.

The engagement ring she wore made the illusion of a good relationship a little more "real" by making it appear to the world that she was a more stable person. However, over time she realized that they were only appearances and it was not really how she felt.

“Also, the size of that ring made it real. The second I took it off, I was like, 'You know what? I'm fine. I don't need that I just don't need an object on my finger to make me feel like I've got my shit together. It looks like stability, but it doesn't mean it is,” she added.

The actress also added that she has realized that the best strategy to grow personally is not to stay in the same place all the time but to move through life.

“I don't grow through stability. I find that I like to live not in chaos or crisis, but in fluidity. It is not [being] stuck and still in an ideal or a tradition that the patriarchy imposed on us,” she stated.

It was in July of last year when Lovato and the actor announced their engagement in a romantic proposal for a hand on the beach in which Lovato wears a stunning ring. In some black and white images taken on the beach, wearing a white dress, the singer and actress explained at that time on her Instagram account that for her the word "couple" had another meaning.

However, the fairy tale did not last long for the couple, as two months after announcing their engagement, the couple decided to end their relationship.

This decision was made so that both can dedicate themselves to their respective careers. But, in other versions, it seems that the relationship deteriorated after the quarantine ended. During the first months of their relationship, the two spent isolation together in Los Angeles, a situation that kept them very happy.

“Demi and Max were together 24/7 for months. They lived in a stress-free bubble and everything was just plain fun. Now both are working and on separate shores," the magazine revealed.

Demi Lovato used her engagement to Max Ehrich to prove she was okay

This news came a week after the singer's friends and family began expressing concern about the soap opera actor's true intentions. Several tweets emerged online showing that the singer's sister, Dallas Lovato, as well as her closest friends Matthew Montgomery and Max Lea, stopped following the actor on their social networks. For her part, Lovato had stopped interacting on Ehrich's Instagram days before.

According to another source, the couple's relationship began to take a nosedive a few weeks before Ehrich had to travel to Atlanta to film a new project. The online site reported that Lovato traveled with her fiancée to be together while he worked, but she later returned to her home.


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