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The Six Hollywood Remakes of the 21st Century

The Stepford Wives (2004)

The Six Hollywood Remakes of the 21st Century

Bryan Forbes' original 1975 film adaptation The Stepford Wives, based on Ira Levin's 1972 novel of the same name, was moderately successful. But the 2004 Frank Oz remake was hated by audiences and critics despite a talented cast that included stars like Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, and Glenn Close.

Planet of the Apes (2001)

The 1968 version of Planets of the Apes is a classic among science fiction fans. There was definitely reason to believe that a modern version could put an interesting twist on the story, based on Pierre Boulle's novel of the same name. Unfortunately, renowned director Tim Burton's remake was a poor job.

The Pink Panther (2006)

Among the comedies that lost all their grace when adapting to new times: Is The Pink Panther (2006), with Steve Martin instead the famous Peter Sellers playing the clueless Inspector Clouseau.

The Secret of an Obsession (2015)

One of the best Argentine films of recent years, The Secret in Their Eyes, which also won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Production, recently had its new and unnecessary version with The Secret of an Obsession, with Julia Roberts, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Nicole Kidman.

Swept Away (2002)

Unusual Destination (Swept Away) was an Italian-British production, starring Madonna directed by her then-husband, Englishman Guy Ritchie, who excelled in movies like Snatch and Rock n Rolla. But here it failed and it was a complete commercial failure. It was a sequel to the film Travolta Gives an unusual destiny in the blue sea of August, from 1974.

Vanilla Sky (2001)

Even Spanish cinema had a bad time in Hollywood with a painful copy of Open your eyes by director and screenwriter Alejandro Amenabar, which was Vanilla Sky, starring Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz.


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