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Mirtha Legrand's harsh words to the former Miss World became a popular phrase

At the age of 64, the former Argentine Miss World Silvana Suárez died. Her figure was an emblem in the '70s and '80s, and her beauty led her to become the winner of the famous contest.

Mirtha Legrand's harsh words to the former Miss World became a popular phrase

Her work in modeling marked a path for her successors. Her private life took on great relevance and in 1999 she starred in one of the most iconic scenes on national television. It all happened during lunch with Mirtha Legrand.

After her consecration at the international level, Silvana Suárez returned to the country and her figure became an emblem, although she had never dreamed of something like this. "I did not want to be a model and, much less, Miss World," she expressed in dialogue with the magazine, in an interview in 2021. However, it was her parents who convinced her to apply for the contest, and, from there, everything changed. Her love life became relevant when she married Julio Ramos, owner of Ámbito Financiero, in 1988. The couple had two children.

In 1999 they separated, amid a great where she denounced him for attempted murder. In this context, in full media coverage of the case, the ex-model was invited to the program Lunching with Mirtha Legrand. Of course, the host wanted to obtain information about the most talked about topic of the moment. However, nothing went as she expected.

Insistently, Mirtha consulted Silvana on several occasions about the details of her divorce, and at all times she obtained evasions from the ex-model, who did not want to touch the matter. At her insistence, she got upset and in the middle of the program, she expressed annoyance to the host: “You are taking advantage of that possibility. You are telling me that I do not have to ventilate my life. Why do you invite me to your show? ”. The tense sequence occurred during a break in the program.

When "the clique" explained that it was a popular topic and that the public wanted to know about her, the former Miss World got up from the table and accused her of "using it". With the break over and the program live, she got up from her chair and Legrand snapped at her annoyed: "I don't need you to have an audience, Silvana Suárez." As the guest walked away from her, she answered bluntly: "Today yes."

After this unexpected scene, the program continued with the host's explanation of behind-the-scenes. There she pointed out that during the cut she asked Suárez why she attended so many television shows and this unleashed her anger, which led her to leave the life cycle.

Years later, the actor Esteban Prol, who witnessed the situation because he was one of the guests, revealed that the former model arrived at the television studio somewhat upset and that he tried to calm her down and explain that it was an opportunity to communicate your situation. "She did not understand," he remarked in an interview with sea hard. In addition, he stressed that he felt dejected because he had to continue a long working day.

Over time, this television moment was repeated in archive programs and it didn't take long until the phrase that the diva said annoyed to her guest became popular and was used in casual conversations with a humorous tone.


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