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Angelina Jolie after a legal battle with Brad Pitt, I want us to heal as a family

After Brad Pitt won joint custody of her six children with Angelina Jolie, the actress said that she hoped to restore peace in her family.

Angelina Jolie after a legal battle with Brad Pitt, I want us to heal as a family

Months after Brad Pitt won joint custody of her six children with Angelina Jolie, the actress referred to her legal situation, although she could not go into too many details, since the process currently continues with another judge.

In an interview with the British newspaper The Guardian, the Hollywood star confessed that on more than one occasion she feared for the safety of her children while she was married to Pitt. "Yes, for my family. For my entire family," she said.

However, currently, Angelina Jolie is focused on making her family "heal" despite feeling "broken" by the court process with Brad Pitt that has lasted more than five years. "I want everyone to move on," she said.

"All of us, including her father [Brad Pitt]. I want us to heal as a family and be at peace. We will always be a family," said the protagonist of "Maleficent."

Angelina Jolie in fight for children's rights

The interview that Angelina Jolie offered took place amid her work as an ambassador for children's rights, a cause to which she devoted herself with greater tenacity after her experience with Brad Pitt.

In that sense, the actress criticized the United States for being a country in which the transformations agreed upon by the United Nations about children are not fully applied. This situation meant that Maddox, the son of the Hollywood star, was unable to testify in the trial against his father.

As recalled, Maddox, now 20 years old, was involved in a verbal fight with Brad Pitt during a flight in the past. This incident, at the time investigated by the Department of Children and Social Services of Los Angeles (USA), was dismissed as a domestic fight between a father and his teenage son.

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