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Interview with Lorena Franco - All the characters have something of me, it is inevitable

In the novel, a psychiatric center is very important. How have you documented yourself to write about this and the rest of the novel?

Interview with Lorena Franco - All the characters have something of me, it is inevitable

The Vera de la Cruz psychiatric center, located in Sitges, is the only fictional place in the novel, the rest are real and anyone who visits Barcelona can locate them. From the beginning I imagined a Gothic style building belonging in ancient times to a family of the Catalan bourgeoisie. I documented myself and read several books to give truth to some of the actions of psychiatrist Gabriel Herranz, although the psychiatric procedure is not what matters in this plot.

Many of your novels are set in Catalonia, and in this case in Barcelona, your city. Do you like to set your novels in places you know?

Yes almost always. In this case, marking the difference with “The Last Summer of Silvia Blanch”, whose plot focuses on the mountain town of Montseny, I wanted a more urban thriller and Barcelona, one of the cities I know best, is very cinematic and also very literary, so she becomes another character.

It is a book that you cannot put down when you pick it up to read. What ingredient do you use so that the reader stays hooked and cannot put it down?

“Everyone is looking for Nora Roy” is the thriller that I, as a reader, would devour in less than 24 hours, but that also, at the end, stays with you. I like to leave the reader with honey on their lips at the end of each chapter, making them feel the need to continue reading, making them intrigued by what is going to happen next, making them feel connected to the characters, at least with the main one, and that the surprise factor does not disappear until almost the end.

Does the character of Nora or Eva have anything in common with you?

All the characters have something of me, it is inevitable. Perhaps the one I identify with most is Eva, after all she is the main narrator and I have put a lot of myself into her, even in her imperfections.

Is there something about you in this novel?

As in all novels, something of the author always remains in them. From “Everyone is Looking for Nora Roy” I hope that how much I enjoyed it is transmitted to the readers and that they enjoy it as much as I do.

Many writers have notebooks, others keep voice notes on their cell phones... What method do you use to collect data and ideas for your books?

I'm one of those who has notebooks, notes on my phone, audio... everything. The worst thing is that something “brilliant” occurs to you when you are about to go to sleep and you have to get up to write it down in case you don't remember it the next morning.

Have you ever used any of your traits as an actress to include in your novels?

I visualize each scene as if it were a movie, I like my novels to be visual, giving them that touch and freedom so that the reader can imagine it as they wish. I guess that's what I have left with my experience as an actress. I can't help but imagine the characters surrounded by cameras and technical equipment waiting for the "Action!" to start the scene.


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