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Meghan Markle's New Netflix Show Is Filming On Doria's Cannabis Farm

According to a report by The Daily Mail, Meghan Markle is currently shooting her show on a cannabis farm in California. 

Meghan Markle's New Netflix Show Is Filming On Doria's Cannabis Farm

The backdrop for her show comprises two distinct California locations: a $5 million home in Monte, owned by Tom and Sher Kaa, and a nearby farm owned by the Van Wind Garden family in the seaside city of Carpenteria. Alongside a 50-strong film crew, Meghan is immersing herself in more than just the aroma of freshly baked goodies as she demonstrates her culinary skills. 

One of the shooting locations for Meghan's show happens to be a 14-acre cannabis farm, as recently revealed by DailyMail.com. Production is already in progress, with an interesting exchange taking place: free grass-fed produce from Dorya in the Marei in exchange for advertising the cannabis business.

Meghan has already filmed at the couple's opulent $14 million Monte mansion. However, instead of utilizing the professional chef's kitchen, she opted for a smaller, yet still impressive, 4,500 square foot home just two miles away for the initial filming. The owners of this $5 million home, philanthropists Tom and Sher COA, were gracious hosts. However, the farm chosen as the second shooting location has sparked controversy. 

The Van Wind Garden family's farm has generated significant concern among neighbors due to the highly fragrant cannabis crop. This, along with other farms in the area, has caused an intense, skunk-like stench that lingers over Carpenteria, just a 10-minute drive from Meghan's residence. The Van Wind Garden family, who are hosting Meghan and her film crew, are among the area's largest producers of legally grown cannabis. Nonetheless, their operation, along with others, has incited uproar among locals due to the pungent weed fragrance, resulting in numerous odor complaints filed by Carpenteria residents from mid-2018 to 2022, according to a website.

The neighborhood surrounding the farm frequently experiences a potent cannabis smell, leading to complaints of homes and clothing smelling of cannabis, as well as reports of respiratory issues, headaches, and nausea. The decision to film a cooking show on a cannabis farm has left many bewildered, from the American Riviera of Santa Barbara to the cannabis capital in Carpenteria. It appears Meghan has taken an unexpected turn. 

Does this signify a departure from making strawberry jam to concocting pot-laced brownies in a borrowed kitchen, or will this aspect of the show focus on camaraderie, featuring getting high with friends and neighbors on a borrowed farm? Harry must be thrilled with this filming location. It seems Meghan couldn't find anything better within her budget or reputation, as both seem to be plummeting. So much for filming a cooking show in her own kitchen; Netflix just doesn't seem to grasp that no one is interested in two very privileged individuals attempting to be relatable.

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