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Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Hit with Boycott in Portugal

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's latest adventure is making waves once again, and it's one for the books. 

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Hit with Boycott in Portugal

The royal couple, known for their penchant for capturing the public's attention, has reportedly purchased a lavish property in Portugal, worth around 4 million euros—roughly 4.3 million dollars for those of us in the U.S. It seems California wasn’t giving them the attention they craved, but this move backfired spectacularly. The irony of this whole escapade is that they dropped millions on a luxurious property while constantly professing their desire for privacy and security. 

Now, here’s where it gets really entertaining. Meghan and Harry, perhaps expecting a hero's welcome, arrived in Portugal likely envisioning red carpets, adoring fans, and paparazzi at every turn. After all, they’re Meghan and Harry—former senior royals with global name recognition. However, the local reaction was far from the royal treatment. In fact, they received little more than a collective shrug from the Portuguese community. One local estate agent, who deserves a standing ovation for his honesty, remarked, "We have much richer and much more famous people buying here for sure. I think they will have zero impact, to be honest." Can you imagine? After spending years trying to convince the world of their global importance, they’ve been told they’re small potatoes. When you’re being unfavorably compared to the likes of Jeff Bezos, it’s safe to say the star power has dimmed.

And it gets even better. The owner of a local seafood restaurant reportedly laughed at the mention of British royalty moving into the area, saying, "The rich from the resorts don’t eat with the poor." Now, that sounds like a challenge! Perhaps Meghan and Harry will take this as an opportunity to prove the naysayers wrong. But given their track record of playing the victim and complaining about how tough their lives are, it's doubtful. Instead, they’ll likely stay ensconced in their gated community, far removed from the reality of everyday folks.

Let’s pause for a moment to appreciate the sheer irony here. Meghan and Harry left the British royal family, claiming they wanted more privacy and a break from the scrutiny that came with royal life. So, what’s their next move? They purchase an extravagant multi-million euro estate in an exclusive, private resort. Nothing screams "we’re just like you" more than retreating to a luxury enclave that’s beyond the reach of ordinary people. And to add insult to injury, the locals in Portugal couldn’t care less. One businessman even noted that A-listers are attracted to the area because they can walk around undisturbed. Well, good news for Meghan and Harry—it looks like they’ve finally found the privacy they’ve been craving all these years. Congratulations! But here’s the twist: I bet they’re not thrilled about it.

Think about it. The couple has spent years doing everything they can to stay in the spotlight. From the bombshell Oprah interview to their Netflix series and Harry’s tell-all memoir, they’ve milked their royal rebel status for all it's worth. Now, they’re in a place where people genuinely don’t care. They can walk around unnoticed, just another rich couple in a sea of wealthier, more famous individuals. It’s a classic case of "be careful what you wish for"—Meghan and Harry wanted privacy, and now they’ve got it in abundance. But I bet it’s driving them absolutely bonkers.

Let’s spare a thought for the real victims in this saga: the people of Portugal. One day you’re going about your business, enjoying the serene beauty of your country, and the next, Meghan and Harry show up in your neighborhood. Can’t you just imagine Meghan strutting through the local village, expecting people to bow and curtsy? Sorry, sweetheart, but that’s not how it works here. The locals have seen actual A-listers. They’re not about to be impressed by a former actress and a prince who left his royal duties behind.

As for Harry, I almost feel sorry for him—almost. He used to be the fun prince, the cheeky royal everyone loved. Now, he’s a shadow of his former self, trailing behind Meghan like a lost puppy, probably wondering where it all went wrong. But you know who I really feel for? The other residents of this fancy resort. Imagine paying millions for a peaceful, exclusive getaway, only to find out that your new neighbors are the drama-filled Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Talk about property value taking a nosedive.

And let’s not forget the staff at this luxurious retreat. You can bet Meghan will be demanding they address her as "Duchess" at every opportunity. Sorry, Meghan, but that title doesn’t hold much weight when you’re rubbing elbows with people who could buy and sell you a hundred times over. Now, some might say I’m being harsh. Maybe they genuinely want some peace and quiet. To that, I’d respond: have you been paying attention for the past few years? These two thrive on attention. It’s their lifeblood. Why else do they keep popping up in the media with new grievances or dramatic revelations?

This move to Portugal isn’t about privacy; it’s about finding a new audience. They’ve overstayed their welcome in the UK and become yesterday’s news in the U.S., so now they’re trying to conquer Europe. But judging by the locals’ reaction, that plan isn’t going too well. The saddest part of this whole saga is that Meghan and Harry could have had it all. They were beloved members of the royal family, with a global platform to do meaningful good and the adoration of millions. Instead, they traded it all for a Netflix deal, a little-heard podcast, and a tell-all book filled with petty grievances and too much information.

Meanwhile, look at William and Kate. They carry on with their royal duties with grace and dignity, raising their children to understand the responsibility that comes with privilege. They’re continuing the legacy of the late Queen Elizabeth with honor, while Meghan and Harry are busy buying overpriced property and getting laughed at by locals. How the mighty have fallen.

So, what’s next for our favorite ex-royals? If I were a betting person, I’d wager we’re in for more of the same. More playing the victim, more vague accusations against the royal family, and more desperate attempts to stay relevant. But here’s the catch: it’s not going to work anymore. The world is moving on. The novelty of the rebellious royals has worn off, and with each new attention-seeking stunt, Meghan and Harry are slipping further into irrelevance. In a few years, they’ll be nothing more than a footnote in royal history—a cautionary tale about what happens when you mistake fame for importance and burn bridges instead of building them.

Meanwhile, William and Kate will continue to do what they’ve always done—support each other, raise their children, and represent the monarchy with dignity. One day, they’ll be king and queen, beloved by their nation and respected around the world. And Meghan and Harry? Well, they’ll still be trying to find the spotlight.

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