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Nine curiosities about Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn was a British-Belgian actress, remembered, among other things, for being the first Hollywood artist to promote natural elegance.

Nine curiosities about Audrey Hepburn

Her innovation, her configuration of youthful spontaneity, the "angel face" with the freshness that she wore on screen, and her way of dressing, which imposed styles and fashions, transformed the history of cinema as another of the myths of the seventh art.

1. Of Anglo-Belgian nationality

An Anglo-Belgian national, actress Audrey Kathleen Ruston was born in Brussels on May 4, 1929, and died on January 20, 1993.

2. The traumatic stage of his life

Her mother was a baroness of the Netherlands and her father was a governor in Suriname, who was in favor of Nazism, for which the actress refers to that period of her childhood as "the most traumatic moment" of her life. The life of her.

3. The anti-diva

For the first time in the history of Hollywood, she imposed a casual look trend instead of the usual glamour, making her one of the first "non-divas girls" who are now fundamental in the construction of film icons.

Nine curiosities about Audrey Hepburn

4. Talented and cultured

She studied classical ballet and piano, spoke English, French, Dutch, and Italian, and was fluent in German and a little Spanish.

5. Scarred by war

Her reading of her Diary of Anne Frank marked her for her entire life, as both girls were 10 when the war began and 15 at the end; In addition, in the book, there is a passage where Anne Frank recounts the execution of five hostages: the same day that the author recounts that murder, Hepburn lost an uncle of hers by firing squad.

6. Dance and resistance

During World War II she worked as a dancer and the money she raised was donated to the Dutch resistance against the Nazis.

7. Volunteer nurse

As a teenager, she volunteered as a nurse to care for wounded soldiers; one of them was an English paratrooper named Terence Young. 20 years later, Young directed the film Alone in the Dark, starring Audrey Hepburn.

8. Fashion and friendship

She was friends with fashion designer Givenchy, who was disappointed to meet her because he thought Katherine Hepburn had hired him and realized she was Audrey; However, both were satisfied and their friendship lasted throughout the life of the actress.

9. Philanthropy

She worked hard with UNICEF from 1955 until the year of her death; even when the actress was in very delicate health, 3 months before her death, she traveled to Somalia to help poor children. For these tasks, she said, "I don't believe in collective guilt, but I do believe in collective responsibility."


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