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The four touching stories of classic cinema

Helen Mirren in The Queen (2006)

Helen Mirren gives life to Queen Elizabeth II in this film directed by Stephen Frears. A plot where the newly appointed Prime Minister Tony Blair forms his new government while facing the instability and tension caused, between the Crown and the people, by the sudden death of Lady Di.

The four touching stories of classic cinema

The people question and criticize the royal family for remaining impassive in the face of pain and the queen finds it difficult to understand and accept the change in values that is taking place. She questions whether her commitment, to God and to the people, of a lifetime, dedicated to serving and dignifying the values of the Crown, will be damaging the Institution itself. To avert possible disaster, Tony Blair sets out to find a way to reconnect the queen with the people, a people who demand her comfort and understanding.

Sophia Loren in Italian Marriage (1964)

Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni star in this dramatic comedy with which De Sica won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Naples. To escape the misery left by World War II, the young and beautiful Filomena goes to work in a brothel. Here she meets Doménico, a wealthy gentleman from the city who takes her to live in her house. Time passes in a harmonious concubinage, but Filomena, tired of spending twenty years being more than Doménico's servant, and seeing her situation threatened by his wedding announcement with a young French woman, resorts to an "in articulo mortis" marriage. " becomes the mistress of the house. Consummated the wedding and acquiring the respectability that Filomena was looking for, the marriage enters a crisis when Doménico discovers the truth.

Grace Kelly in Alone in Danger (1952)

The four touching stories of classic cinema

Will Kane, the sheriff of the small town of Hadleyville, has just married Amy. The newlyweds plan to move to the city and open a small business; But suddenly, news spreads through town that Frank Miller, a criminal Kane had caught and brought to justice, has been released from jail and is coming to town on the midday train for revenge. Time is passing slowly, but no one in town is willing to help the sheriff. Just married and about to leave his small town to start a new life, Sheriff Will Kane must make a big decision: leave before noon or wait for the arrival of the criminal who announces his arrival to take revenge on him.

Katherine Hepburn in The Golden Pool (1981)

Three Oscars, three Golden Globes, a BAFTA award... the list of winners for this classic is almost endless. A tender and moving film, adapted from a play, with great performances that reach the sublime. Directed by Mark Rydell and starring Katharine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda, Doug Mckeon, Dabney Coleman...

Synopsis: Ethel and Norman Thayer are an elderly couple who spend their vacations in a paradisiacal place, "the Golden Pond", between the woods and next to a lake. Norman, a very active man, bears very badly the limitations of old age and the proximity of death. Unexpectedly, Chelsea, the Thayer's daughter, who has always had a very tense relationship with her father, arrives for a visit.


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