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Elvis Presley's significant departure from rock and roll's roots

A few days ago the 84th anniversary of the birth of "Elvis Presley" was celebrated, one of the greatest cultural icons of the 20th century and whose figure is not exempt from miseries

Elvis Presley's significant departure from rock and roll's roots

Two days ago Elvis Presley was born. As you know, one of the greatest icons of the 20th century came to the world to give it a (hip) shake on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo. His toupee is an emblem. And both for this and for many other things, which he channeled through his songs and movies, Elvis marked the culture as a whole and unleashed an unprecedented fan phenomenon. But, as we will remember, all that glittered around him was not gold. The King... had a dark side of him (like every neighbor's son).

We are not going to incur, of course, in pointing out the provocation that Elvis's pelvic movements meant for the society of his time, which were a scandal at the time but given what there is today, and although he continues to maintain the sensuality, the Competition has left him in the panties... At that time he was known as "The Lascivious Devil".

Precisely, he was a heretic but of the religion of rock and roll, of which he was The King for watering down the revolution to the values that he assumed. In the book "The Club of the Execrable", by Malcolm Otero and Santi Giménez, they define him as "an unstable, megalomaniac being, a fascist junkie and, above all, a traitor, and one of the dangerous ones. He betrayed nothing less than rock and roll.

And it is that as they say in this book, Elvis's career hit a hip when "The Colonel" appeared in his life (he was not a colonel, it was just a nickname). This made him cut his hair, enlist in the military service as a volunteer, and appear on the most conservative television programs... until he reversed his image as a "rebel unique" to be "the perfect son-in-law", which gave him enormous returns. economic. And it is that Hollywood lacked an idol of youth and he was the right man since James Dean or Marlon Brando were too pernicious for the morality of the American people.

The King shot the movies during military leave, but he had such a work rhythm that he had to dope with amphetamines and cocaine to comply with all the messes he got into. But in this fun book, the worst thing they point out about Elvis, who also recognizes that he was "the greatest", was the double standards with which he carried all this.

And now we would come to the mythical photo of Richard Nixon and Elvis from 1970, which, by the way, is the item most in demand by the public in the National Archives of the United States. Even above the arrival of man on the moon. The facts surrounding this snapshot are no less picturesque than the snapshot itself... there was even a movie made starring Kevin Spacey and Michael Shannon called "Elvis & Nixon."

Elvis Presley's significant departure from rock and roll's roots

Well, in short, what happened in this encounter is that El Rey volunteered to work as a double agent to become a volunteer in the fight against drugs. Elvis wanted Nixon to make him a federal agent in the narcotics squad. And he came to the meeting with a Colt 45, a revolver that he gave as a personal gift to President Nixon. "You dress strangely, don't you think? Nixon said. "You have your show and I have mine, Mr. President," replied the King.

In "The Club of the Execrable" they tell more about his intentions: "The drug culture, the hippies and the Black Panthers do not consider me an enemy ... I can and want to serve my country; could and would act as a federal agent without limitations." The Colt 45 he gave Nixon was from the Civil War and had been owned by one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan.

Changing the subject, various no less extravagant, even sinister aspects of Presley are also mentioned. On one hand, he felt that he had divine powers and that his touch could heal the sick. The no less tricky aspect was his crush on what would later be his wife, Priscilla when she was 14 years old. Priscilla herself also recounted a disturbing episode of Elvis when he, at a time when he did not move from his Graceland mansion, proposed a horror movie marathon as a couple (cinema and blanket!), and after it, they made a visit to the warehouse of Memphis corpses.

And there are still more dark aspects, these seriously. Otero and Gimenez remember that when Priscilla took off with her karate teacher, he hired a hitman to assassinate him. What happens is that he fulfilled only one part of the contract: take the money. This fact unleashed an S- frenzy in El Rey that led to some insane orgies (152 women to 7 men). And, as a last point to highlight that appears in the aforementioned book, Elvis was a great fan of weapons and liked to shoot at the television if the program that he broadcast was not to his liking.

Elvis died on August 16, 1977, at the age of 42. The autopsy revealed that he had suffered a heart attack, probably caused by an overdose of sleeping pills. Since the day of his tragic death, there have been many theories that have been raised about the singer. In all of them, they assure that Elvis actually faked his death in an attempt to recover his privacy.


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