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The secret romance rumor between Tom Cruise and John Travolta

A magazine assures that the two great Hollywood stars would have maintained a hidden relationship several decades ago.

The secret romance rumor between Tom Cruise and John Travolta

In Hollywood, relationships between artists are commonplace and John Travolta and Tom Cruise have starred in several of the most iconic throughout their careers. Although the public only finds out about those that are made official or about which some information is leaked, the truth is that many more take place behind the curtain.

Now, those targeted are two of the most important players in the film industry worldwide. According to Star magazine, both interpreters would be involved in a secret romance. In addition, the medium in question ensures that this hidden relationship that they would be maintaining began more than 30 years ago. If true, it would be a shock to Hollywood.

As soon as the publication saw the light, all the media tirelessly sought the word of the protagonists, but precisely, John Travolta and Tom Cruise, are among the most hermetic celebrities in terms of their private lives, so there was no response of any kind. or statements from them.

According to the report, the actors had met in 1985 in an Oregon gym, finding a common point in their fascination with airplanes that gave way to a friendship.

At that time, John Travolta was a pilot and Tom Cruise was learning to fly and immersing himself in the world of Top Gun, as he was filming the film that would be released a year after it became one of the great box office successes of American cinema.

According to the magazine, for this reason they made air, trips together from Oregon to Los Angeles. However, this was not the first time that Tom Cruise's S-orientation has been the subject of analysis.

In 2006, the protagonist of Mission Impossible wanted to ban, through all means, an episode of the animated series South Park in which it was stated that he was gay, and in 2014 the newspaper The National Enquire published a note that ensured that Tom He led a double life, trying to hide his S- orientation.

Regarding John Travolta, the comments that he hides his S-condition have also existed since 2006 when The National Enquirer published a photo of the actor kissing another man on some stairs.

Then, in 2012, a never-identified man sued him in court for touching him at a Beverly Hills spa without his consent in 2000. Then, he was accused of the same thing by a masseur, and finally, a Chilean man, Fabián Zanzi, denounced a similar situation on a cruise ship in 2009.

The most notorious of this nature occurred when former pilot Doug Gotterba confessed to having had a gay relationship with John Travolta in the 1980s. In addition, it should be noted that both Travolta and Tom Cruise are members of The Church of Scientology.


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