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Sophie Turner files a surprise lawsuit against Joe Jonas

The 27-year-old British actress filed a lawsuit against the musician for "improper retention" of his daughters. 

Sophie Turner files a surprise lawsuit against Joe Jonas

At the beginning of September, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas surprised the world with the news of their divorce. The couple started their relationship in 2016, and a few years later in 2019 they said yes at a wedding in Las Vegas. Then things got more serious when in 2020 they welcomed their first daughter Willa, and in July of last year Delphine, their second daughter, came into the world.

However, things began to cool between Sophie and Joe, who announced their separation in the first days of September. But what seemed to be an amicable divorce has taken an unexpected turn.

In the last few hours, it was learned that the Game of Thrones actress has decided to sue her ex-partner to be able to keep custody of her daughters and thus be able to return to England, her country of origin.

Turner reportedly filed the lawsuit on Thursday in a Manhattan court. In this way, the actress requests to guarantee "the immediate return of the girls taken or unjustly retained," according to the documents accessed by the Page Six site.

In Sophie's filing, the actress alleges that the "improper withholding" began on September 20. The 27-year-old performer also claims that she and the Jonas Brothers member had agreed that they would make the United Kingdom their "definitive home" to continue raising the girls.

The same day, Joe Jonas responded to the lawsuit and issued a statement through his legal representative. According to the interpreter, Turner, who has been staying with the girls in New York, told him that she wanted to take the girls out of the country.

"Less than 24 hours later, Sophie informed me that she wanted to take the children permanently to the United Kingdom. She subsequently demanded through this presentation that Joe hand over the girls' passports to her so that she could remove them from the country immediately," the representative said. from the singer to Page Six.

In the last few hours, it was reported that the Florida Court "issued an order restricting both parents from relocating the girls," since the divorce papers were filed in that state.

"Joe seeks to co-parent the girls so that they are raised by both their mother and father and of course he also agrees with the girls being raised in both the US and the UK," says their representative, adding that the couple's daughters were born in the United States and are therefore American citizens.

Jonas took the opportunity to clarify rumors that Sophie Turner had found out about the divorce through the media. The singer claims that she was "aware" that he was going to request the dissolution of the marriage after "multiple conversations."

"This is an unfortunate legal disagreement about a marriage that is sadly coming to an end. When language like 'kidnapping' is used, it is at best misleading and at worst a gross abuse of the legal system "The children were not kidnapped," the statement says forcefully.

According to the documents presented on Thursday by Turner, the family would have relocated to England in the month of April, which is why they had put the property they shared in Miami up for sale.

In August, Joe began touring with the Jonas Brothers, while Sophie began filming the miniseries Joan. According to sources close to the couple, both would have agreed that the couple's daughters would travel with Jonas because, despite the performances with the band, he had more free moments to spend with the girls during the day.

The statement from Joe Jonas' representative ends by suggesting that Sophie Turner filed the lawsuit only to move the divorce proceedings to the United Kingdom and remove the girls from the United States "permanently."


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