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The Incident Behind Sharon Stone's Slap on the Set of 'Basic Instinct'

Sharon Stone's iconic leg-crossing scene in 'Basic Instinct' remains a standout moment in the film's history, but it was also a source of significant distress for the actress.

The Incident Behind Sharon Stone's Slap on the Set of 'Basic Instinct'

Stone has revealed that she was misled into removing her un---wear during the shoot, with the explanation that the white fabric was causing unwanted reflections on camera, ultimately compromising the shot. She was given assurance that her genitalia would not be visible in the final cut. Consequently, when Sharon Stone saw the completed scene, she was furious.

"When we were filming it, the intention was just to hint at it," Stone explained. "[Paul Verhoeven, the director] told me, 'Your underwear is visible in the shot. I need you to take them off.' He assured me that there would be no exposure. So, I took off my underwear and stashed it in my shirt pocket."

Upon completion of the filming, Stone reviewed her scenes and initially felt content, as the monitors showed no objectionable content. However, when the film was later screened in a theater, the higher-definition projection revealed a different reality. "I was in shock. That's when I saw my explicit shot for the first time. It was me and my parts up there," she recounted, reflecting on that unexpected moment.

Sharon Stone's Slap in 'Basic Instinct' Director's Face

Deeply upset by the events that had transpired, Sharon Stone stormed into the projection booth and confronted the director, Paul Verhoeven, with a slap to his face. She briefly contemplated taking legal action to have the film classified as X-rated and thereby preventing its release. In the end, she made the decision to allow the scene to remain in the movie, despite the controversy it stirred. She reasoned, "I deliberated and ultimately chose to keep that scene in the movie. Why? Because it was integral to the film and the character, and because, in the end, I went through with it." This bold move marked a pivotal moment in her rise to fame.


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