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Former Scientology Member Claims Tom Cruise 'Personally Administers Punishments'

Actress Leah Remini, who premieres this month the third season of the series 'Leah Remini and Scientology', reveals that the actor is the second most powerful person within the organization

Former Scientology Member Claims Tom Cruise 'Personally Administers Punishments'

Leah Remini, 48-year-old actress and former member of the Scientology church, is not afraid to directly point out Tom Cruise for his role within this community. "[He] has personally administered punishments to senior members of the church," says the interpreter, who since her departure from the religious movement has dedicated herself to telling everything that happens inside one of the most secret churches in the world.

"People think that Tom is an innocent victim in all of this. Most Scientologists are, but he is not in the same category as the average Scientologist," Remini said in an interview with the American news portal The Daily Beast. "Tom is aware of the abuses that occur in Scientology. He has been a part of it," she adds.

The actress, known for her role as Carrie in The King of Queens, left the organization in 2013 and since then has dedicated herself to denouncing abuse within this community. She first published her memoirs in 2016, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology (whose translation can be summarized as Surviving Hollywood and Scientology), and on November 27 she will premiere the third season of her series Leah Remini and Scientology, which is based in the statements of other former members of the church and their experiences in it. The program, which airs on the A&E television channel, won an Emmy Award for best news series in 2017.

"Scientologists are told that Tom Cruise is saving the world, so he is considered a deity within the church. He is the second most powerful person after David Miscavige: the savior of the free world," says the New Yorker. .

Tom De Vocht, a former member of the church's internal police force, cited by The Daily Beast, supports Remini's claim and claims that Miscavige and Cruise "are cut from the same cloth." "They have very similar personalities, they both tend to look at each other's navels. It is better not to look at them badly or speak badly about them, and above all it is better not to be better than them in any aspect," says the former actor. Miscavige was the best man at Tom Cruise's wedding to Katie Holmes in 2006.

Karen Pouw, spokesperson for the church in the United States, has expressed her rejection of Remini's statements on ET Canada: "That interview is a publicity stunt to promote her fake reality show. As long as the entertainment media continues to print Leah's lies "Remini, your anti-religious fanaticism is going to have a voice."

When Remini left the organization five years ago, she told Ellen DeGeneres that she did so because she had finally "opened her eyes," and that even though it had been difficult and she lost many friends "who were no longer allowed to "To talk to her or her family, he did not regret his decision.

"When I was 16 years old I worked for a Scientologist who was close to 40 years old and had s-x with a 16-year-old friend. In the church they handled it internally. All abuses are resolved within the church, since it is an act of enmity within the church. the organization to file charges against another member," the actress said during a question and answer session on the social network Reddit.


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