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Grey's Anatomy' actor Patrick Dempsey is the s-xi-st man of 2023

Patrick Dempsey, widely recognized for his portrayal of neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd on the hit series Grey's Anatomy, has been crowned the s-xiest man of 2023 by People magazine.

Grey's Anatomy' actor Patrick Dempsey is the s-xi-st man of 2023

At 57 years old, Dempsey expressed his astonishment upon receiving this prestigious title. In an interview with the magazine, he playfully noted that the recognition came at a time when he least expected it. "When I found out, I was completely shocked and started laughing, like it was a joke," he shared.

The actor, whose popularity soared thanks to his role as the charismatic surgeon affectionately known as "McDreamy" on Grey's Anatomy, a character he portrayed from 2005 to 2015, acknowledged that the title is an ego boost but has a positive purpose in mind.

"I'm glad it's happening at this stage in my life. It's wonderful to receive this recognition, and while it certainly strokes my ego, it also provides me with a platform to make a positive impact," he remarked.

People magazine revealed that Patrick Dempsey's status as a heartthrob has consistently resonated with its readers, leading to numerous appearances in the publication over the years. Now, he proudly holds the title of the s---est man alive.

Dempsey is married to Jillian, who is also 57 years old, a makeup artist, and the founder of her own beauty line. The couple shares three children: Talula, aged 21, and twins Sullivan and Darby, aged 16.

In December, fans will have the opportunity to see Dempsey showcase his automotive skills in the biographical film "Ferrari," directed by Michael Mann, where he will portray the renowned Italian driver Piero Taruffi.

Since 1985, People magazine has annually selected the s---est man alive, a prestigious title previously awarded to prominent figures such as singer John Legend and actors Michael B. Jordan, Denzel Washington, Idris Elba, among others.


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