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Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Hudson's Candid Confessions About On-Screen Kisses

The enduring friendship between actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Hudson has been no secret, and it's a bond that has stood the test of time. 

Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Hudson's Candid Confessions About On-Screen Kisses

The two friends recently sat down for a candid chat on Paltrow's Goop podcast, where they delved into various topics. As expected, the conversation took a surprising turn when they discussed their on-screen kissing experiences, including some memorable and rather cringe-worthy moments.

Paltrow posed the million-dollar question to Hudson: "Who was the best on-screen kisser you've ever had?" However, Hudson's response was far from conventional. Instead of naming a particular actor, she humorously admitted, "Honestly, I don't think I've had good kissers," and with a chuckle, she concluded, "I should have had better."

But the conversation took a particularly amusing turn when Hudson shared an example from the set of the film "Fool's Gold," where she starred alongside Matthew McConaughey. She revealed that something quite uncomfortable seemed to happen during their on-screen kisses, leading to less than ideal experiences. "The thing is, every time she kissed McConaughey, it was as if something uncomfortable was happening, like there was snot or wind…" Hudson disclosed with laughter. She went on to describe an incident during a kissing scene, "That happened to us when we were kissing at the end," alluding to the challenges they faced while filming their characters' post-airplane crash scene in the ocean.

The awkwardness stemmed from the challenging conditions on set. The movie depicted a plane crash, and the ambient temperature during filming was exceptionally high. Hudson humorously recounted, "We were in the ocean, we had a good time with the plane crash, but I had snot all over my face." This anecdote serves as a reminder of the unexpected challenges that actors may face during the filming process.

Paltrow, at 48 years old, probed Hudson about whether she had ever experienced an on-screen kiss that felt like kissing a brother. Hudson expressed a degree of ambiguity, saying, "Sometimes it can be a bit of a brother's kiss, but other times it's not." However, Paltrow herself confirmed that she had faced such a situation. She recalled her experience kissing Robert Downey Jr. in Marvel films, noting, "Like when I kissed Robert Downey Jr. and I thought, 'you have to be a joke.' It was literally like kissing my brother."

In the midst of the amusing anecdotes, Hudson did point out that not all her on-screen kisses were subpar. She took a moment to give credit where it was due, revealing, "Do you know who was a good kisser, but she didn't show up because they cut it? It was Billy Crudup." She fondly remembered her co-star from "Almost Famous," a film for which she received an Oscar nomination, and declared, "Billy was good. That was good."

As the conversation drew to a close, Paltrow couldn't resist one final question for her friend. She asked if Hudson had ever had any romantic encounters with famous individuals that the public was unaware of. Hudson's response was unequivocal, "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed. "Whoever says no is lying," she added, leaving the audience with a knowing smile. Paltrow chimed in with her own confirmation, "I know a couple of them." These playful and candid confessions added an extra layer of intrigue to the actresses' engaging conversation.


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