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Meghan Markle Reveals His Christmas Gift Request and the Sussexes' Holiday Plans

Archie's latest passion has been unveiled, and it turns out he shares a love for photography with his father, Prince Harry. 

Meghan Markle Reveals His Christmas Gift Request and the Sussexes' Holiday Plans

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, disclosed that their four-year-old son has expressed a particular interest in photography and has requested a Leica camera as his Christmas gift. The revelation was made during the premiere of the short film "The After," where the Duchess shared insights into their family life.

Contrary to Meghan's initial purchase, Archie insisted that the camera he desired wasn't just any camera but a Leica. However, Meghan humorously mentioned, "I said, 'We're not buying one of those! Not even for Christmas.'" The Leica camera, favored by professional photographers for its design and precision, comes with a price tag exceeding $5,000.

Meghan Markle also confirmed that the Sussex family will spend Christmas in California, opting not to travel to the United Kingdom. This decision ensures their holiday celebration will be more private and avoids any potential encounters with members of the royal family who may harbor less affection for them.

Addressing the plans for the holiday season, Meghan emphasized that they would stay in California with her mother, Doria Ragland, ruling out any possibility of joining King Charles III for Christmas. The royal family typically spends New Year's separately, providing additional privacy for the Sussexes.

While discussing Archie's newfound interest in photography, Meghan acknowledged the influence of renowned photographer Misan Harriman, a close friend of the couple and director of the short film "The After." Meghan expressed gratitude to Harriman, stating, "You have been a great inspiration to him."

These recent revelations underscore the Sussexes' settled life in the United States, dispelling any notions of a permanent return to the United Kingdom. Their future plans do not include a return to royal duties or public interactions with Prince William, Kate, or any members of the British royal family with whom they have severed ties.

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