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Criticism of Millie Bobby Brown for saying that she doesn't watch movies and her brain 'can't handle it'

Millie Bobby Brown has made headlines again for her words, this time for opening up about how she can't watch movies.

Criticism of Millie Bobby Brown for saying that she doesn't watch movies and her brain 'can't handle it'

Even with worldwide hit titles like Stranger Things, Enola Holmes and now Damsel, it seems that Millie Bobby Brown prefers to be behind the screen than in front of it.

The 20-year-old actress has confessed in an interview that she doesn't watch movies, and her explanation has outraged many fans.

"I don't watch movies. People come to me and say, 'You should watch this movie, it will change your life.' And I'm like... 'How long do I have to sit and watch it?' Because my brain and I can't stand it." sit down and watch my own movies," he reveals to The Sun.

"My fiancé is the biggest movie fan. He sits and watches movies all day. And I can't do that. It's the only thing I can't sit and do. But I do like Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, "I love Mad Max. So I think I'm always inspired by those kinds of powerful women," Millie says.

But, to get to see some movies? Brown explains:

"I have to be doing something else. So I either end up eating too much, because I'm just bored. Or I have to be doing something, cooking, grooming the dog, or on the computer. If I'm not doing something else I can't just sit and watch on the screen for so long. It's not to say that the movie isn't epic and brilliant cinematography, or that there aren't incredible performances. I do love some of these actors," he continues explaining, but social media users have not been impressed. His words sit very well.

Although some have also expressed concern that Millie suffers from possible ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), or simply how the attention span has plummeted in new generations, there is also a lot of criticism of her attitude.

"It's sad that someone who has the opportunity to be part of the film industry doesn't seem to have much appreciation for the art."

"If she can't be bothered to see the end result of a project she's worked on for months, why does she expect the rest of us to?"


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