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Kate Middleton's abortion that the British Royal House had silenced

News that has surprised her followers.

Kate Middleton's abortion that the British Royal House had silenced

After months of silence, the secrecy around a delicate issue that involves British reality has finally been broken. According to information revealed by the Globe tabloid, Kate Middleton would have suffered a spontaneous abortion a few years ago.

Sources close to the royal family claim that the health problems that Kate Middleton faced during her adolescence would have had a negative impact on her reproductive capacity. This would have sparked great concern in the monarchy, which until now had maintained strict secrecy on this matter.

Although the royal couple was very active in their public engagements in the months after their wedding, making numerous trips and appearances, rumors about a possible pregnancy and subsequent abortion of the princess would have been silenced by the Royal House.

So far, the monarchy has refused to comment on this delicate matter. However, the Globe tabloid's revelation has opened a new chapter in the private life of the Duke and Duchess of Wales, suggesting that the couple faced serious challenges in their project of starting a family.

This episode comes at a critical moment for the British monarchy, which seeks to maintain an image of solidity and stability in the face of the growing questions and challenges it faces. The way in which the Royal House handles this situation will be essential to preserve the reputation of the institution and of Kate herself.

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