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King Charles Shocked by Sussexes Huge Debt and Refused to Provide Prince Harry New House In UK

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, are facing severe financial difficulties, with debts amounting to an astonishing £480,000 and no permanent residence in the UK.

King Charles Shocked by Sussexes Huge Debt and Refused to Provide Prince Harry New House In UK

Insider sources report that the couple has been seeking assistance from King Charles III, Harry's father, to help manage their escalating bills. However, the new monarch has refused to respond to their pleas.

Once living a life of opulence and privilege as senior members of the British royal family, Harry and Meghan's financial situation has drastically changed since their dramatic departure from royal duties in 2020. Their move to California marked the end of their access to the Crown's extensive resources, leaving them struggling to sustain their luxurious lifestyle.

Their eviction from Frogmore Cottage last year has further exacerbated their precarious situation. According to a close source, "Harry and Meghan are in real trouble. The debt is piling up, and they have no way to pay it off. They were counting on the king to help them out, but he's made it clear he has no intention of bailing them out financially."

A significant portion of their debt, approximately £480,000, is linked to the renovation and ongoing maintenance costs of Frogmore Cottage. The property, gifted to them by the late Queen Elizabeth II, underwent a £2.4 million overhaul funded by The Sovereign Grant before the Sussexes moved in. While they managed to repay the £2.4 million renovation costs, the continuous expenses associated with the property have left them deeply in debt. These costs include staff salaries, utility bills, and other maintenance expenses, which have continued to accrue despite their repayment of the renovation costs.

In addition to their mounting debt, the couple faces a potential £1 million bill for security costs during their upcoming visit to the UK in September. Despite no longer being working royals, Harry and Meghan are still entitled to taxpayer-funded security while in Britain. However, these costs have become a significant financial burden.

Amid their financial turmoil, Harry and Meghan have reportedly reached out to King Charles III multiple times, seeking his assistance. However, their appeals have been ignored. "Harry has been desperately trying to get in touch with his father, begging him for help to pay off this debt," the source said. "But the King has made it clear he has no intention of bailing them out. He's made it known that they are on their own when it comes to their financial troubles."

The strained relationship between father and son has been well-documented, with tensions escalating following the Sussexes' explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021. During the interview, the couple made serious accusations against the royal family, including claims of racism and a lack of support, further damaging their standing within the institution. "Charles is understandably furious with Harry and Meghan," our source revealed. "He feels they betrayed the family and brought nothing but drama and embarrassment. The idea of using taxpayer money to help them out is just not something he's willing to entertain."

With King Charles unwilling to provide financial support, Harry and Meghan find themselves in a precarious position, scrambling to find a way to pay off their debts and maintain their lavish lifestyle. While their lucrative multi-year deals with streaming giants Netflix and Spotify have provided some financial security, the couple has faced criticism for their lack of tangible output, raising concerns about the stability of these partnerships. "Harry and Meghan are really in a bind," the source said. "They've got all these big money deals, but they're not generating the kind of content and returns that were promised. Their spending has far outpaced their earnings, and now they're in this massive hole with no clear way out."

The couple's plans to visit the UK in September for the first time since the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations have only added to the uncertainty. With a potential £1 million security bill looming, it is unclear how they will manage to cover these costs. "They're desperate to come back to the UK, but this debt is hanging over them," the source told us, expressing hope that the public might sympathize with their situation and that the government might step in to cover the security costs. However, this seems like a long shot at this point.

As the Sussexes navigate these turbulent financial waters, their future remains uncertain. Once revered as the new face of the monarchy, they now find themselves on the periphery, their royal dreams seemingly shattered by the weight of their own choices and the unwillingness of the institution they once belonged to come to their aid. "Harry and Meghan are in a really tough spot," our source concluded. "They've burned a lot of bridges, and now they're paying the price. It's a cautionary tale for anyone who dares to challenge the power and privilege of the crown."

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