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Nacho Figueras CONFRONTS Meghan Markle After Facing Fierce Backlash for Posting Her DOG Biscuits

Prince Harry's friend and professional polo player, Nacho Figueras, has faced significant scrutiny from royal fans after showcasing PR gifts sent by Meghan Markle's brand, American Riviera Orchard. 

Nacho Figueras CONFRONTS Meghan Markle After Facing Fierce Backlash for Posting Her DOG Biscuits

This occurred on the same day the Princess of Wales returned to public life. Figueras shared images of jam and dog biscuits, believed to be from Meghan's company, on his Instagram stories on Saturday. This happened just hours before the royal family attended the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London. The timing of his posts has sparked outrage among royal fans.

The Argentinian polo player's latest social media post was inundated with comments labeling him as shameful and tasteless. It is believed that Nacho, who appeared to be in New York at the time, posted the pictures around 11:00 p.m. local time, which was about 4:00 a.m. in the UK. This meant British viewers saw the posts just hours before the King's Birthday parade.

Princess Catherine, who has been receiving chemotherapy for an undisclosed form of cancer since February, made a spectacular return to the spotlight during the annual event, marking her first public appearance this year. The coincidence of Nacho's post with Catherine's return added to the fans' frustration and seemed poorly timed. The previous jams sent out were strawberry, but this latest batch was raspberry. Nacho was lucky to receive the very exclusive new flavor with his jar labeled "two of two." Meanwhile, the dog biscuits were packaged in a large glass jar with a handwritten label thought to be Meghan's cursive script. The treats, photographed next to Nacho's dogs, Nina and Iggy, are a new addition to American Riviera Orchard's product lineup.

The backlash against Nacho Figueras coincided with the Trooping the Colour event in London. This marked the second year that the Sussexes were reportedly not invited to the annual celebration, which marks the reigning monarch's birthday. Meghan and Harry first attended Trooping the Colour together in 2018, a month after their royal wedding in Windsor. They appeared on the Buckingham Palace balcony again in 2019, weeks after welcoming their first child. In 2020 and 2021, the event was scaled down due to the coronavirus pandemic and was held at Windsor Castle without the usual large gathering of royal family members.

Fans have taken issue not only with the timing but also with what they perceive as Meghan and Harry's efforts to overshadow significant royal events. Figueras's decision to post about the PR gifts on the same day as a major royal event was seen by some as a calculated move, exacerbating tensions between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family. The controversy surrounding the post highlights the ongoing rift between the Sussexes and the British royal family. Meghan and Harry have been at odds with the rest of the royals since their departure from royal duties and subsequent move to the United States. Their actions and public statements have often been scrutinized and criticized by both the media and royal fans.

This incident adds to a list of perceived slights and missteps that have fueled public opinion against the Sussexes. Many royal watchers feel that the couple's behavior often appears at odds with their stated desire for privacy and a quieter life. The timing of this particular post juxtaposed with the Princess of Wales's significant public appearance has only added to the negative sentiment.

Moreover, the incident reflects broader issues of media strategy and public relations within the royal context. The fact that Meghan's brand sent out these PR gifts at a time of heightened royal activity suggests a potential lack of coordination or, at worst, a deliberate attempt to capture media attention. In conclusion, Nacho Figueras's decision to share the PR gifts from Meghan Markle's brand on the same day as Trooping the Colour sparked significant backlash. The timing was seen as insensitive, especially given Catherine's return to the public eye after her health struggles. This event has further strained the already tense relations between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family, highlighting the ongoing complexities and challenges within the royal dynamic.

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