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Prince Harry FIGHTING With Meghan Markle Over Frogmore Cottage

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently marked their sixth wedding anniversary amidst whispers of a potential divorce within the next three to five years. 

Prince Harry FIGHTING With Meghan Markle Over Frogmore Cottage

Royal experts and commentators have been speculating on the future of the couple, who famously stepped back from their royal duties in 2020 and now reside in Montecito, California, with their two children. Political commentator Samara Gil recently discussed this possibility during a conversation with Talk TV host Kevin O’Sullivan. “I’m going to call it; I think there’s going to be a divorce in the next three to five years, and I hate to say that, but I’m sorry,” Gil expressed. She suggested that Meghan Markle, as the primary breadwinner, might feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and seek new opportunities in the future.

Gil speculated further, stating, “When the money pot starts drying up, that’s when people like Meghan, who had a previous relationship with a producer, wonder why, as a Hollywood actress, she married a producer who then didn’t really help with her career, leading her to explore other options.” Addressing the couple’s initial meeting, Gil hinted at Markle's intentions, suggesting that she originally came to London aiming to be with a footballer as part of a PR move but ended up accidentally connecting with Harry, who was in a dark place, feeling like a third wheel to Kate and William.

Echoing Gil’s sentiments, Kevin O’Sullivan noted the stark differences in backgrounds between Markle and Prince Harry. “I think she’s the one with the energy and ambition,” O’Sullivan commented. “Prince Harry doesn’t understand ambition; he really doesn’t.” Royal author and expert Tom Quinn also shared his views on the couple’s relationship, describing Prince Harry as a “lost little boy” alongside Meghan Markle, who compensates for his weaknesses. “Harry’s always come across as a little boy lost. Meghan’s very much that partner; she’s ambitious, determined, and a real fighter,” Quinn explained. However, Quinn cautioned that Markle’s dominant personality might pose challenges. “For now, Harry loves that Meghan gives him some of the backbone he always lacked, but dominance in the relationship may not always be welcomed,” he warned.

The couple's absence from Prince Harry’s longtime friend Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding in Chester further fueled speculation about their relationship. Observers suggest that Meghan and Harry are facing challenges in their marriage, evident from off-camera tensions. This centers on Harry’s private admission to close sources that he misses his life in the United Kingdom. When he first moved to the United States, it was an adventure and a flight to freedom. He believed he could change the world, but reality set in with the arrival of his children. Now, he realizes what he has given up. For someone like the former Prince Harry, life has been very different; everything was done for him, with courtiers handling his clothes and other necessities. Now, six years into his new life, he finds himself bored with the routine of feeding chickens, walking the dog, cycling, and hiking.

Harry had hoped to keep Frogmore Cottage as a base, which came with royal security from the moment he landed in the UK. Staying in a royal residence provided top-tier security, something he often overlooks when claiming the UK is incredibly dangerous. Interestingly, Harry, like his father, who sought a home outside the royal estates, wants to find a home in the UK. However, his wife, Meghan Markle, has no desire to return. She doesn’t feel welcome and has no intention of coming back. Harry has accepted this, but finding a new home will be expensive given current prices. He thought that once the issues with Frogmore were resolved, he might convince the king to let him use it as a base to bring his children back occasionally. However, King Charles has decided to give Frogmore Cottage to Prince Andrew, leaving Harry frustrated. Now, he has to find and finance a new property.

Meghan has washed her hands of the UK, not understanding Harry’s desire to return. Friends are reluctant to visit them in Montecito due to Meghan’s alleged frostiness and lecturing. This adds another layer of complexity to their relationship, as they navigate their lives away from the royal spotlight.

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