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MacKinnon's Slip of the Tongue EXPOSED Behind the Scenes

During the 2024 Stanley Cup finals, an unexpected and humorous off-ice incident unfolded, capturing global attention. 

MacKinnon's Slip of the Tongue EXPOSED Behind the Scenes

Nathan McKinnon, reflecting on the event, revealed how he instructed staff to accommodate Prince Harry, despite the Duke of Sussex arriving uninvited and without VIP status. Unlike other public figures who typically enjoy prime seating and exclusive access, Prince Harry found himself directed to a general admission area among regular attendees.

The incident began with Prince Harry's unannounced appearance at the championship game between the Colorado Avalanche and the Tampa Bay Lightning. Despite expectations of special treatment, McKinnon explained in a post-game interview that due to a shortage of tickets and passes, security personnel had to swiftly arrange seating for the prince. Instead of a luxury box or premium section, Prince Harry was seated among ordinary fans, a decision McKinnon described as necessitated by protocol rather than preference.

According to McKinnon, Prince Harry expressed dissatisfaction with his seat, wishing to sit with other VIPs. However, strict rules prevented arbitrary granting of privileges, leaving the Avalanche staff with little choice but to seat him according to available accommodations. Despite efforts to make him comfortable with a hot dog and beer, Prince Harry remained with the general crowd, a scenario McKinnon found ironic given the prince's reputation as a non-conformist within the monarchy.

Reflecting on the incident with amusement, McKinnon shared how the entire Avalanche team found the situation humorous, with laughter echoing in the locker room after the game. Despite any discomfort Prince Harry may have experienced, McKinnon emphasized that the Avalanche followed protocol diligently, asserting their readiness to provide superior seating had it been feasible. He suggested that the incident may have even motivated the team further, adding an unexpected layer of motivation to showcase their hockey prowess in front of royalty.

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