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Natalie Portman Tells Meghan Markle to Sit Back in the Audience

It was supposed to be a day filled with glitz, glamour, and the aura of Hollywood’s elite. The co-hosts of "The View" were set to welcome a star-studded lineup of A-list celebrities for a special episode. 

Natalie Portman Tells Meghan Markle to Sit Back in the Audience

However, before the cameras even started rolling, unexpected drama unfolded. As the audience filled the studio, a hum of excitement and anticipation filled the air. Mega-watt stars like Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon, and Margot Robbie chatted animatedly, quickly taking their seats in the plush chairs usually reserved for the co-hosts. Just as the producer was about to give the signal to start the show, a sudden commotion erupted near the entrance.

There, trying to push her way through the throngs of paparazzi and security, was none other than Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. "I need to get in there. This is my chance to shine alongside the A-listers," Meghan exclaimed, her voice laced with desperation. The security guards, seemingly unfazed by her title, firmly stood their ground. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but these seats are reserved for the guests. You'll have to find a spot in the audience," one guard said.

Meghan’s face fell, a look of pure frustration washing over her features. "But don’t you know who I am? I’m Meghan Markle. I deserve to be up there with the rest of them," she protested. From her seat, Natalie Portman turned and fixed Meghan with a withering stare. "Excuse me, but I believe the lady said you need to take a seat in the audience. This is our time to shine, not yours."

The A-list stars murmured in agreement, nodding their heads solemnly. Meghan’s eyes widened in shock, clearly not expecting such a bold rebuke from the Oscar-winning actress. "But I’m a duchess! I should be sitting with you, not relegated to the cheap seats," she insisted.

Reese Witherspoon spoke up, her tone dripping with disdain. "Last time I checked, ‘duchess’ doesn’t automatically equal A-list. You’re just a supporting player in this show, honey. Time to take your seat and let the real stars take center stage."

Margot Robbie chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Yeah, Megs, we all had to pay our dues to get here. You can’t just waltz in and expect the red carpet treatment. There are no special privileges on ‘The View,’ even for royalty."

Meghan opened and closed her mouth several times, seemingly at a loss for words. The co-hosts, sensing the tension, quickly intervened. "All right, all right, let’s all just take a deep breath here," Whoopi Goldberg said, raising her hands in a calming gesture. "Meghan, we’re happy to have you in the audience today, but these seats are reserved for our special guests. I’m sure you understand."

Meghan shot a venomous glare at the A-listers, who were barely containing their amusement. "This isn’t over," she hissed before reluctantly making her way to an empty seat in the back of the studio.

As the cameras started rolling and the segment began, the A-list stars shone brighter than ever, basking in the spotlight and reveling in their moment of glory. Natalie Portman, in particular, seemed to be having the time of her life, her infectious laughter and witty banter captivating the audience. But just as the co-hosts were about to wrap up the interview, another commotion erupted near the back of the studio.

There was Meghan once more, trying to push her way through the security guards, this time armed with a megaphone. "Listen up, you bunch of has-beens," she shouted, her voice booming through the studio. "I deserve to be up there with you. I’m the Duchess of Sussex, for crying out loud. My name should be in lights, not yours."

The A-listers exchanged bewildered glances, completely taken aback by Meghan’s outburst. Reese Witherspoon, ever the quick thinker, grabbed the microphone from the co-host's hand. "Meghan, honey, I think it’s time you accept the fact that your 15 minutes of fame are up," she said, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. "We’re the ones the world wants to see right now. You had your chance, but you blew it. Now run along and let the real stars do their thing."

The audience erupted into thunderous applause, and even the co-hosts couldn’t help but crack a smile. Meghan’s face turned beet red, and she opened her mouth to retort, but the security guards had already surrounded her, gently but firmly escorting her out of the studio.

As the cameras cut to commercial, the A-list stars exchanged triumphant high-fives and gleeful laughter. They had just survived the ultimate test of their celebrity status and had emerged victorious. However, the drama was far from over. As Meghan was being led out of the building, she was already plotting her next move, determined to reclaim her place in the spotlight, no matter the cost.

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